Prosperity, that condition that a great many people seem to be interested in acquiring more of these days. If that sounds like you, then this write-up on the principles of prosperity is for you.
We would venture to say, that prosperity is something that we are all hard-wired to pursue. Oddly, it is also something that seems to elude all too many people.
While we don’t have the answers as to why prosperity is so elusive for a great many people, we have learned that there are a few helpful principles that can increase our chances of acquiring more of it.
As such, we wanted to share these principles of prosperity with you. If you are a student of success, you may have already heard of some these principles. If so, well, there’s nothing wrong with a little repetition.
Like Zig Ziglar use to say…“Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.”
Acquaint yourself with these principles of prosperity. By doing so, you will invite prosperity to show up in your life unannounced and in greater amounts.
Behold, ten principles that can help you find greater prosperity.
Prosperity Principle 1: Pareto Principle
The Pareto principle is a very well-known success principle. So, if the name sounds new, perhaps you’ve just heard of it under a different name, which is the 80-20 rule.
If you’ve ever heard of the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few, or the principle of factor sparsity, then you’ve encountered the Pareto Principle.
In its essence, this principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.
For instance, 20% of the things you do will account for 80% of your results. While 80% of the things you do will account for 20% of your results.
While such statistics may paint a bleak picture of our activities, is also a powerful bit of knowledge. It’s knowledge that you can leverage to better create and perfect your plans of action.
By understanding that it is typically only 20% of the activities that we do that get us 80% of our results, we can attempt to hone in on what those activities are. And when we discover what those activities are, we then create the conditions for accelerating our results.
Here’s another way that this principle can come into play, especially for those of you who are achievement-minded. It can help you better understand why some customers buy your goods and services, and why some won’t or don’t.
In other words, when 80% of the people you approach with your products, services, or opportunities say no, it can be helpful to keep in mind that the NO you received may not have anything to do with you, your product, or your service. According to this principle, you’ll need to get through (on average) 5 No’s for every Yes.
Understand and apply this principle, and the odds will be in your favor.
Prosperity Principle 2: Parkinson’s Law
Now Parkinson’s Law is something all entrepreneurs, artists, or entrepreneurs should be aware of. It’s is especially important if they want to find more prosperity in their endeavors.
Like the last principle, you may have experienced this one in the past, but just haven’t been introduced to it ‘formally’.
Parkinson’s law was first articulated in an essay of The Economist in 1955. However, it has been made more-or-less mainstream over the past decade.
The law essentially postulates that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. If you have ever had some friends or co-workers who were given an easy task to do with a somewhat large amount of time to complete, and yet they somehow managed to stay extremely busy, spending an inordinate amount of time on a task that you could have finished in a day, well then, you’ve been acquainted to Parkinson’s Law.
This is essential knowledge for any would-be achiever. This is especially true for those who are striving to get their idea, project, book, or dream off and running.
The understanding of this law can help you combat the programming that all too many of us may have experienced while working in conditions that didn’t required us to be 100% invested in our productivity.
Ultimately, if one truly cherishes having more time, leisure, and eventual prosperity, then fully understanding this principle is vital.
Prosperity Principle 3: Law of Averages
The law of averages is one of the most powerful principles of prosperity.
It would be an understatement to say that the law is very important to understand. This law in summary is the idea that probability will influence all occurrences in the long run, and that you will neither win nor lose all of the time.
Here is a quick example of how this law works.
If it rains every day this week, by the law of averages we’re bound to get a sunny day soon. This colloquial term is a popular interpretation of a statistical principle called Bernoulli’s theorem. As a seeker of heightened prosperity, this law becomes important especially when the time comes for going after the deals, the partnerships, and the sales.
The more you experience the no’s and failures in the pursuit of your ventures, the more likely you are over time, to experience that crucial yes and ultimate success.
To fully make our point, we refer to Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth held the lifetime total home run record of 714 for 39 years. But, what many people don’t know, is that he also held the career strike-out record (1,3330 strike outs) for 29 years.
The same success awaits the person in-the-arena, striving to make something out of nothing. If you are willing to put yourself into a position where you may strike out, you will, by the law of averages, be increasing your chances of hitting your home run, and in turn finding more success and prosperity!
Prosperity Principle 4: Law of Association
I’ve mentioned this principle in past posts. It really is something that needs to be taking into consideration as we strive to heighten the prosperity we are seeking in our lives.
This law is difficult to apply. Unfortunately, it is one of the most important prosperity principles to implement if you we aim to make significant progress in our levels of personal prosperity.
This principle suggests that we become like the average of the five people whom we spend most of our time with.
In short, this means that everything about you will average out to be in alignment with those five people whom you are currently spending most of your time with.
If you are hanging out with people who don’t have much, aren’t going anywhere, and don’t encourage you to grow, do more, acquire more wealth, guess who you’ll eventually transform into?
On the other hand, if you want to become more success-minded, positive, or wealthy, then it is a must that we strive to get around such people.
If you want to raise the quality of your life, hang out with people who have already accomplished what you are trying to accomplish.
It really is true, that birds of a feather flock together.
And the reason is, because they all have the desire to go in the same direction. They share a common vision.
So, if you’re going after a certain life goal or level of prosperity, pay attention to the people who have achieved what you are after, or are on track to do so. Associate, associate, associate.
Related: Prosperity Quotes
Prosperity Principle 5: The Law of Giving
The next prosperity principle is from a wonderful book we did research on years ago. The book is still extremely valuable and relevant till this day. The book is called the Go-Giver, by Bob Burg and John David Mann.
The core principle outlined in the book, is to aim to give, before we receive. Yes, be a go-getter, but…more importantly, aim to be a go-giver.
Now here is a powerful quote from the book, that sums it all up very nicely…..
“All the great fortunes in the world have been created by men and women who had a greater passion for what they were giving – their product, service, idea… than for what they were getting.”
That’s a pretty powerful thought…..and when you think about it, it makes complete sense why those people who focus more on giving then getting, actually end up getting more….
Here is an example where we found this to be true, and it had to do with the sale of some properties we owned. Not too long ago, we sold two different properties, and we use a different realtor for each property.
One of the realtors we used wanted to make sure that we were taken care of. Like, seriously taken care of every step of the way during the whole process of selling our house….
Now the other realtor, seemed to just want to do the bare minimum, and was more or less concerned with just getting the deal done and over with, so they could get what they earned….
The first realtor, went out of their way to keep us informed, did all the ground work-for us, just went above and beyond to serve us… to give to us, fully….in every respect.
The second realtor, well, it was like pulling teeth. Every part of the process was an effort, we had to be more involved, we had to do more of our own due-diligence because of obvious errors or oversights that we caught early in the process…. Which forced us to be pro-active to ensure things were moving along as planned…and it was quite the frustrating experience if we are being completely honest….
Now, to circle back to those thoughts on prosperity…… can you guess which realtor earns multiple 6 figures per year? Can you guess which realtor we recommended multiple times to our friends? Can you guess which realtor we were chomping at the bit to write a positive online review for? Can you guess which one we wanted to buy a gift for to show our appreciation?
If you guessed the first one, you’d be right. Now how is this related to prosperity? Well, because the first what gave, gave, gave, they got got got! Not only did they get paid at the end of the transaction, but they also earned more money through the referrals we sent them…and the positive online reviews we the gifts we gave. We felt compelled to give back what we thought they deserved….
As for the other one, well, they didn’t get much. They didn’t get much because they didn’t act from a place of true service, and from a place of giving.
On to the next principle.
Related: Inspiring Go-Giver Quotes
Prosperity Principle 6: The Creative Law of Prosperity
Now, we consider ourselves students of prosperity….because well, we want more of it. And one of our mentors taught us that, if you want more of something….then it is a good idea to study that subject you want more of.
In our years of studying prosperity….we came across a book, called ‘The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity’ by Catherine Ponder. It’s a book we highly recommend. It may be ‘out there’ for many of you in terms of what may seem practical or pragmatic practices. But, she has some pretty powerful insights on how prosperity works.
That, and we feel we’ve found more prosperity come our ways since reading this book….
Now, this book contains so many different prosperity principles to mention, but we’ll just put this one actionable idea out there, that anyone can do… which will lead, naturally, to more prosperity for you.
Okay, here it is….
It’s called the ‘Creative Law of Prosperity’…
What this law requires, is for you to simply….create a strong compelling desire for something you want in your life. In other words, you must manufacture an intense desire for something that you truly, deeply, want.
we love what she says in her book, stating “of the millions of people who think they want to be successful, few of them have really any strong, impelling desires. They have been content to idly drift in a stream of small events and small expectations. When you meet a person who is really going places in this world, usually it is a person of intense desire for the highest and best in life.”
So basically, what we need to do, is create a powerful goal to chase, and then dial up your intensity of wanting to bring that goal to reality.
What this will do for you, is act as a catalyst to get you moving towards taking more action… and hopefully it’s action towards the type of giving and service to others that is required for you to start getting.
Moving on.
Prosperity Principle 7: The Law of Gratitude
This is the last thought on prosperity because we could probably talk all day on the subject,
Alight, this one is basically related to affirmations. As we studied prosperity throughout the years, many of the ‘prosperity gurus’ if you want to call them that, highly recommended affirmations…
Which are phrases that we say to ourselves…to essentially reprogram our subconscious mind to think a certain thoughts… it’s a powerful way to change some of our limiting beliefs….
Those thoughts that automatically pop in our minds……telling is we can’t do something, we don’t serve something, scarcity thoughts….
Unfortunately, all too many of us grow up with a scarcity mindset… we are bombarded with thoughts like….
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
“You don’t deserve it….”
“Money is the root of all evil”
‘”oney is not that important…It’s only money.”
“I am just not good with money.”
“We’ve never been rich.”
These are the types of subconscious beliefs that can suppress our ability to experience more prosperity…. So, we want to share with you, one of the powerful affirmations we actually use to help keep our mind in tune with prosperity thinking…. It’s something various members of our team have memorized and repeat daily….
It’s actually an affirmation we ‘borrowed’ from Tony Robbins. He used this affirmation to keep himself aligned and in tune with creating more prosperity and abundance in his life… and last we checked, he has quite a bit of prosperity flowing his way…
So here its…The prosperity affirmation that we suggest.
Here we go….
Now, if you’re not very religious, well, then you can just substitute the big GOD, with whatever higher power you believe in.
And that’s its. Of course, we repeat this to ourselves multiple times daily. By doing so, we ensure we are driving out those pesky poverty thoughts that tend to creep back into our mind from time to time. Also, if you’re looking for your own prosperity mantra, wealth affirmation, or money related affirmations, here are a few great lists to choose from:
Prosperity Principle 8: The Law of Belief
There will be people who believe that they deserve more, and those who believe they don’t. And 9 times out of 10, the people who believe that they deserve and can have prosperity, will receive it. Similarly, there will be people who believe they can’t acquire a prosperous life, full of riches, health, and abundance, and so they never will. In both cases, what they belief is at work as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
In our search for prosperity we learned that to draw more prosperity towards us, we must first believe we can. Simply put, if you do not believe prosperity is possible for you, you will not seek it. And if you do not seek it, you will never find it.
You’ve likely heard this principle uttered from time to time from success gurus and the like as, “If you don’t believe, you can’t achieve.”
So, be sure you believe that you deserve prosperity, and believe it’s possible for you to acquire more of it. Because without belief, you minimize your chances of attracting more of what you want. A great place to kick start your belief, is to read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. In the mean time, these Napoleon Hill quotes will do the trick.
Prosperity Principle 9: The Law of Honesty
Thomas J. Stanly, set of to discover the secret to wealth and prosperity from millionaires across the land. And in his search, he interviewed hundreds of millionaires in an attempt to unravel their secrets. And the answer uttered by most of these millionaires as the secret was none other than…..Honesty.
Yes, we know this is simple. But at the end of the day, money comes from other people. Typically it is as an exchange of a service or product from one to the other, but if there is no trust, people are very reluctant to part ways with their hard earned money to people or businesses they don’t trust.
So, if you want more prosperity, never forget that it will come through people. As such, honesty should be our modus operandi if we want to ensure prosperity flows our way.
Prosperity Principle 10: The Law of Contribution
Whoever understands and applies this principle of prosperity will quickly realize it’s effectiveness. The essence of this principles relies on the fact that, our rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to our contribution and service to others.
Put another way, the income you make from company or clients you work for , will almost always be positively correlated to the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the degree of difficulty involved in replacing you.
In short, become a bigger contributor, and you’ll reap a larger prize in terms of prosperity.
Prosperity Principle 11: The Law of Deliberate Thinking
The secret to success, accomplishment, and more money comes down to this statement…
Thinking, especially deliberate thinking with purpose, unleashes your potential like nothing else can. As a result of deliberate and focused thinking, you’ll be able to come up with more ideas. The ideas will also be better and newer ways to add maximum value to others.
As a result, especially if you keep The Law of Contribution in mind while conducting your thinking, you’ll eventually end up contributing more.
By contributing more, you’ll inevitably reap more. Abundance and prosperity will flow to you with ease. Your lifestyle will improve and your financial situation will change. So, never forget to principle if true prosperity is what you seek.
Prosperity Principle 12: The Law of Attitude
William James once exclaimed that “The greatest discovery of my generation, is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind.”
Not only will you feel better by adjusting your attitude, but you’ll create conditions in your life where you’ll attract more people, money, and opportunities to you that you wouldn’t be able to do any other way.
To put this prosperity principle into practice begin doing the following at once:
- Start acting as the person you most want to become.
- Remember, before you can do something, you must first be something.
- Never forget, that it is all about cause and effect.
- Become magnetic by creating a positive attitude for yourself.
Prosperity and achievement are 10x easier if you have the right mindset.
Prosperity Principle 13: The Law of Action
Every other prosperity principle can be mastered, memorized, and embraced. However, none of them will work for the person who does not act.
Action is the great equalizer. Action creates the opportunity for change. It creates the momentum for growth. And it is what we need in every circumstance. It doesn’t matter whether the action is small or large to ensure that the prosperity we seek flows our way.
Here’s a quote by Carrie Wilkerson that says it best…. “The longer you’re not taking action the more money you’re losing”.
So, seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will open, and take action and the prosperity you pursue will get closer and closer.
Related: How to Execute Effectively
Violate at Your Own Risk
Alright friends, there you have it. The 13 principles of prosperity that will undoubtedly bring you more prosperity and accomplishment. Here they are again in summary:
- The Pareto Principle
- Parkinson’s Law
- The Law of Averages
- The Law of Association
- The Law of Giving
- The Creative Law of Prosperity
- The Law of Gratitude
- The Law of Belief
- The Law of Honesty
- The Law of Contribution
- The Law of Deliberate Thinking
- The Law of Positive Attitude
- The Law of Action
We’ve studied the success stories of some of the most successful and richest people in the past 100 years. And these principles of prosperity have come up again and again.
If you practice these principles and pursue them with vigor, in any area of your life, positive and yes, even prosperous results will abound.
Violate them at your own risk.
Till next time,
PS – If you found value in this write-up of the principles of prosperity, then you’ll enjoy this money making post.
Dan Lok is a highly successful entrepreneur, mentor, venture capitalist, author, and influencer who moved to North America when he was 14. Having once been poor, he overcame 13 business failures and clawed his way out of over $150,000 in debt to eventually achieve substantial riches by the age of 27. How rich? Well, that’s exactly what we intend to reveal in this Dan Lok Profile page.
So, if you’re looking for insights on Dan Lok’s wealth, how he build his wealth, and how much his money could easily earn him on autopilot these days, then let’s dive right into it:
What Is Dan Lok’s Net Worth?
After calculating data drawn from various public sources past and present, in conjunction with the performance of the markets and his various asset classes over the past few years, Dan Lok’s net worth is approximately between $112 to $120 million as of 2024.
Money doesn’t sleep, it’s always working and growing, even when we’re not. So, despite the volatility seen in the markets over the past year, most assets are still up in value.
So, considering Dan Lok is a go-getter who is still, to this day, building his high ticket businesses and investing aggressively in new up-and-coming businesses and technologies, we’ll lean on the higher value of $120 million for his current net worth.
How Much Does Dan Lok Make Per Year?
There are various sources that have claimed Dan Lok’s annual income is around $5 million to $15 million per year. However, due to a lack of sources, we can’t say this is true for sure.
That said, if Dan Lok’s estimated net worth of $120 million is accurate, his money could very easily earn him over $4.8 million per year virtually on autopilot.
How so? Well, if Dan Lok hypothetically liquidated all of his assets, and them moved all of his money into an extremely safe monthly dividend paying stock of around 4%, he could very easily earn this amount annually. Sure, there’s riskier assets our there that he could invest in that would bring him way more money per month. But, Dan’s a smart man and we know he’s intent on growing his fortune, not dwindling it away.
Money Metric | Amount |
Net Worth: | $120,000,000 |
**Earnings Per Year: | $4,800,000 |
Per Month: | $400,000 |
Per Week: | $92,308 |
Per Day: | $13,186 |
Per Hour: | $549 |
Per Min: | $9.15 |
Per Sec: | $.15 |
Note: This is a hypothetical earnings metric based off the earning power of Dan Lok’s estimated net worth presupposing a 4% annual yield. We apply our own rigorous methodology to supply you with accurate calculations; however, these figures are ultimately for informational and entertainment purposes only, and do not include earnings from his business ventures, projects, sponsorships, etc… Methodology
Dan Lok’s Social Media Earning Power
Dan Lok has a massive social media reach. He has over 2.4 million Facebook followers, 1.8 million Instagram followers, 53.5K twitter followers, 420K TikTok followers, and over 4.5 million YouTube subscribers. So, in total, Dan Lok’s social media reach is well over 9.2 million social media follower.
With a reach like this, Dan Lok’s social media earning power is estimated to be approximately $90,000 per sponsored post using the current social media marketing rates.
How Did Dan Lok Get So Rich?
Dan Lok was initially driven to support his mother. After his father’s business went bankrupt, his mom started to struggle financially. Dan didn’t like seeing the despair and worry on his mother’s face day in and day out, so he committed to making money to help his mother.[1]
Dan got started with all kinds of side-hustles that he would transform into business ideas. He took big risks on all of his ideas, but lacked the experience to turn them into successful enterprises.
As such, he started to rapidly accrue debt, and by the age of 21, he already owed over $150,000 to his creditors. Dan was ambitious, but his various business ideas failed to gain any traction.
Fortunately, he persisted and by happenstance managed to set up a mentorship with a man named Alan Jacques who taught him how to master sales copy. Lok would leverage this newfound skill by starting his own advertising agency.
He would eventually land a big ticket client as a solo agency, and never looked back. Through this same agency, which he would eventually expand, he went on to help countless entrepreneurs and businesses increase their sales, helping him to quickly scale his company into into a multi-million dollar company.
Dan Lok would then go on to invest into real estate deals and very quickly became a millionaire. After a short retirement, boredom pulled him back into business, and he’s since created many new and trhiving businesses.[2]
These days, Dan charges $25K per hour for consulting. He also runs a consulting/coaching business, a sales training company, speaks, and invests heavily in various startups across the world. He’s also the author of 12 books and counting.
Needless to say, Dan Lok has cracked the code to wealth building, and his massive net worth demonstrates this fact.
Success In His Own Words
Having said that, Dan Lok constantly shares his success wisdom with all of his followers via social media, and to all of his mentees at his speaking events. Here’s what he has to say about success:
1. “I never gave up because I couldn’t afford to quit — and if you don’t quit, then you can’t fail.” – Dan Lok
2. “Success is on the razor’s edge of failure. When you think it can’t get any worse, hang on just a little longer.” – Dan Lok
3. “Getting rich is not an act, it is a habit.” – Dan Lok
4. “Never regret a day in your life. The bad days bring lessons and experience, while the good days bring happiness, memories and success.” – Dan Lok
5. “I got rich when I started valuing my time. Most people never get rich because they never value their time.” – Dan Lok
Related: Dan Lok Quotes
How To Become A Millionaire Like Dan Lok
If you’re looking for Dan Lok’s step-by-step guidance on how you too can level up your skills, build wealth, and become a millionaire, then you’ll enjoy this short 4 minute video:
Video Credit: Dan Lok (Subscribe Here)
More Wealth Building Tips:
Key Takeaways
Here are some key Dan Lok takeaways:
- Dan Lok Net Worth: $120 million
- Annual Earnings **: $4.8 million
- Social Media Followers: 4.5 million
- Social Media Earning Power: $90K per commercial post
- Keys to Success: Taking Risks, Persistence, Sales Mastery
Dan Lok’s sizeable net worth is a result of his ability to push through the dips of entrepreneurship and learning, and his mastery of sales copy and closing high-ticket sales.
With that said, now you know how Dan Lok built his fortune. Hopefully these insights will help you get out there and build yours.
Till you reach your aims,
PS – If you enjoyed this Dan Lok net worth profile page, then you’ll likely enjoy learning about Dan Pena’s Net Worth, Myron Golden’s, or even Grant Cardone’s Net Worth.
Jocko Willink is a successful American author, businessman, podcaster, and a highly decorated former Navy SEAL who spent over 20 years in the U.S. Navy. He’s also one of the toughest and most disciplined men alive, and he’s pretty rich too. How rich? Well, that’s exactly what we’ll be highlighting on this page, Jocko Willink’s net worth, how managed to grow it over the years, and the earning power of his sizable fortune.
What Is Jocko Willink’s Net Worth?
Jocko Willink’s net worth in 2020 was estimated at approximately $5 million. Of course, as we all know, money never sleeps, and neither does Jocko. Okay, he averages about 5.5 hours of sleep a day, but you get the point.
Jocko spends the other 18.5 hours a day grinding to deliver value to his audience and the client’s he serves through his various business ventures. As such, his fortune has continued to grow over the years.
Had Jocko just put his $5 million worth of assets into a high yield savings account back in 2020, his net worth would be approximately $6 million today. And if he put his entire net worth into the SP500 he would now be worth $8.1 million.
That said, per our research and analysis, he’s somewhere in the middle. As such, Jocko Willink’s net worth as of 2024 is approximately $7 million.
How Much Does Jocko Willink Make A Year?
Jocko earns money from a variety of sources. He makes money from book sales, from his management consulting business, from ad revenue via YouTube and his podcast, from Molk supplement sales, and from giving public speeches.
Some financial data and or business specs have not yet been made public, so we won’t be able to address those figures. However, we can derive a baseline estimate from a handful of his income sources to provide you with a solid estimate.
That said, Jocko Willink charges approximately $225K on average for each speech he gives. So considering the industry average in terms of how often public speakers give a speech each year, we estimate Jocko makes at least $1.5 million a year just from public speaking.[1]
He also makes approximately $13.5K a month just from the ad revenue he makes from YouTube.[2] This figure doesn’t include the potential revenue he likely makes from brand partnerships. So, his annual revenue from YouTube is roughly $162K.
Jocko Willink’s sizeable fortune could also very easily earn him an additional $280K per year, with assets invested in a 4% yielding Savings Account, Money Market Fund, ETF, REIT, or Stocks.
So, per our research an analysis, we estimate that Jocko Willink makes at the very least $1.9 million per year.
Money Metric | Amount |
Net Worth: | $7,000,000 |
**Earnings Per Year: | $1,942,000 |
Per Month: | $161,833 |
Per Week: | $37,346 |
Per Day: | $5,335 |
Per Hour: | $222.29 |
Per Min: | $3.7 |
Per Sec: | $.06 |
Note: This is an approximate (but very possible) earnings metric for Jocko Willink based off the low-end earning power of his estimated net worth combined with a conservative estimate of his annual income. These calculations are approximations and are for entertainment purposes only. Methodology
Jocko Willink Social Media Earning Power
In addition to how much Jocko Willink makes per year, he can also very easily pull in extra money via his social media channels. How much? Well, let’s run the numbers.
Jocko Willink has around 3 million Instagram followers, 838.8K X (Twitter) followers, 957K Facebook followers, and 1.83 million YouTube subscribers. As such, his combined social media reach is roughly 6.62 million.
Therefore, with a following of this size, and if you consider current social media marketing pricing standards, Jocko Willink could very easily negotiate with and charge brands up to $40K per post, if he marketed the post across all of his platforms and followers.
Related: Jocko Willink Quotes
Key Takeaways
Here are some key Jocko Willink takeaways:
- Jocko Willink Net Worth: $7 million
- Annual Earnings **: $1.9 million
- Social Media Followers: 6.6 million
- Social Media Earning Power: $40K per sponsored post
Jocko Willink has built up an impressive net worth over the years. His dedication to creating inspiring content that helps people level up their discipline and leadership skills across the world has paid off well.
There’s no doubt that Jocko’s fortune will continue to grow over the years as he expands his audience, followers, and clientele.
That said, if you enjoyed this Jocko Willink net worth profile, then you may equally enjoy learning about the net worth of other high achieving leaders like:
David Goggins Net Worth | Eric Thomas Net Worth | Andy Frisella Net Worth
Till you reach your financial aims,
** These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of the earning power of x’s net worth alone assuming a 4.0% dividend yield.
Noah Kagan is a highly successful entrepreneur, YouTuber, author, and multimillionaire. He’s the founder and CEO of AppSumo, and he’s also launched over 25 other businesses. Needless to say, he believes in entrepreneurship and spends much of his time encouraging people to launch their own businesses.
That said, Noah’s business acumen and his hard-won entrepreneurial expertise has helped him amass an impressive fortune. So, if you’re looking to learn exactly how much he’s worth, then you’ll enjoy this Noah Kagan net worth profile. If you’re ready to dive into the nitty gritty let’s get started:
What Is Noah Kagan’s Net Worth?
Many sources across the web have estimated Noah Kagan’s net worth at varying and implausible amounts. Not only are the figures we came across inconsistent, but they are also inaccurate.
So, we conducted our own research and here is what we came up with. First things first, Noah Kagan has self-disclosed that he holds at least $25 million in just liquid assets alone. [1]
He also owns 60% of his primary money-making business, AppSumo (the highly popular digital marketing place for entrepreneurs), which brings in roughly $120 million in revenue per year. The average multiple for a digital business is around 4x their annual profit (which we estimate to be at around $100 million.)[2]
This means Noah Kagan’s equity from AppSumo is approximately $240 million ($100 million x 4 (x 60%). Therefore, according to our research and analysis which takes into account appreciation and inflation of both his cash positions, investments, and business equity, we place Noah Kagan’s net worth as of 2024 at approximately $270 million.
How Much Does Noah Kagan Make Per Year?
Certainly, Noah’s current net worth begs the question with regards to how much he makes per month or year?
Well, just last year Noah shared that his base take home salary is around $175K per year. But through an ingenious profit distribution model he learned from Amazon, he technically makes over $1 million per year.[3]
That said, he also makes a good chunk of change from his YouTube videos. Over the past year, his newly released videos pulled in approximately 18.5 million views, and his older videos have pulled in heaps of views as well. As such, he earns approximately $110K to $130K per year just from YouTube ad revenue alone.
That said, Kagan’s net worth has earning power too. And a good unwritten rule as a minimum yield for safe investments has been between the 3% to 5% range annually. So, at 4% of his liquid net worth ($25 million), he could easily earn him an additional $1 million per year.
As such, our total estimate for how much Noah Kagan makes per year is approximately $2.13 million. And when he cashes out the equity in his businesses, he’ll likely be able to 5x this figure.
Money Metric | Amount |
Net Worth: | $270,000,000 |
**Earnings Per Year: | $2,130,000 |
Per Month: | $177,500 |
Per Week: | $40,964 |
Per Day: | $5,852 |
Per Hour: | $244 |
Per Min: | $4.06 |
Per Sec: | $.06 |
Note: this is a theoretical (but very possible) earnings metric for Noah Kagan based off the earning power of his estimated net worth combined with his estimated monthly income. These calculations are estimates and are for entertainment purposes only.
Noah Kagan’s Social Media Earning Power
In addition to how much Noah makes per year, he can also very easily pull in extra money via his social media channels. How much? Well, let’s run the numbers.
Noah Kagan has around 255K Instagram followers, 128K Twitter followers, 40K Facebook followers, 218K TikTok followers, 78K LinkedIn in followers, and 980K YouTube subscribers. As such, his combined social media reach is roughly 1.7 million.
Therefore, with a following of this size, Noah Kagan’s social media earning power, according to current social media marketing pricing standards, is approximately $5.9K per sponsored post, if marketed across all of his platforms and followers.
Key Facts Fun Facts:
- Noah Kagan Lives in Austin, TX.
- He spent over $2 million to purchase his house.
- Noah once lost $170 million dollars.
- Noah Kagan was born in 1982, and grew up in San Jose, CA.
How Did Noah Kagan Get Rich?
Noah started dabbling with online businesses while still in college. He created a handful of websites and businesses that that were geared towards helping students solve their problems (like creating a Craigslist for college kids, a book exchange platform for students, etc…).
Noah then jumped into the tech industry early on just after college. He got his start with Intel, where he worked as a Geography Marketing Analyst.
While at Intel he launched his own consulting business, known as HFG Consulting, and also started His experience with online businesses helped him land a job at Facebook, where he was employee #30.
After Facebook he moved on to help a personal finance company to grow its userbase. The company was Mint and would eventually get acquired by Intuit. Noah decided to launch his own business after his experience with Mint, so he kick-started Gambit.
With Gambit , he started out making games at first, but then he transformed it into company that would be used to make payments easier for virtual games.
After nearly three years of building up Gambit, he eventually started making decent money (paying himself roughly $360K per year). Unfortunately, his business was banned by Facebook, and his biggest competitor tried to sue him. So he walked away from the business.
AppSumo was launched soon after in 2010 as a digital marketing place for entrepreneurs. Since its inception, Kagan has managed to grow the company by leaps and bounds.
His company now reaches over 300K new entrepreneurs every single month and is worth a whopping quarter-billion dollars.
So, the answer to how did ‘Noah Kagan get rich?’ is… he spent years honing his entrepreneurial chops by starting various businesses. He took many risks with his own money and time to launch multiple businesses that solved problems for others.
He then took the knowledge he had learned from all of his startups, and used it to help other entrepreneurs better navigate the world of entrepreneurship by pulling together helpful digital apps for startups everywhere.
How He Made His First Million
If you’re looking for more insights on how Kagan built his wealth, here’s a great video that he produced himself which highlights how he made his first million.
It’s a 15 minute video, but it’s worth watching if you’re curious to learn more about him, or looking to get inspired:
Video Credit: Noah Kagan (Subscribe Here)
Key Takeaways
Here are some key Noah Kagan takeaways:
- Noah Kagan Net Worth: $270 million
- Annual Earnings **: $2.13 million
- Social Media Followers: 1.7 million
- Social Media Earning Power: $5.9K per sponsored post
- Keys to Success: Trial and Error, Taking Risks, Creating Services That Makes Life Easier For Others
Noah Kagan’s massive net worth is directly related to the service he’s providing others with daily. Not only does his business help simplify the lives of many entrepreneurs, but it also helps them lower costs.
In addition to this, his YouTube channel also adds massive value to others by inspiring them to dream big and start their own business. Noah’s new book, ‘The Million Dollar Weekend‘ also aims to do the same.
Note: We’re reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
That said, we hope you’ve found value in this net worth profile. If you enjoyed this Noah Kagan net worth profile, then you may equally enjoy learning about the net worth of other high achievers and inspiring entrepreneurs like the following:
Gary Vee Net Worth | Alex Hormozi Net Worth | Jeff Lerner Net Worth
Till you reach your financial aims,
** These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of the earning power of Noah Kagan’s net worth alone assuming a 4.0% dividend yield.
Kevin Hart is no stranger to success. As a highly accomplished comedian, actor, and producer, he’s become a household name and one of the most recognized and loved personalities in the world of entertainment. And as you’d expect with winning countless entertainment awards, starting his own streaming service, production media business, and putting on multi-million dollar tours, he’s built himself a sizeable fortune.
So, that’s exactly what this page will be highlighting, Kevin Hart’s net worth and his current earning power. We’ll also include a few Kevin Hart fun facts related to his life, success and potential. So, let’s dive in.
So, what is the net worth of Kevin Hart? As of 2024, Hart is worth approximately $470 million. However as his popularity rises, and as he continues to flex his business muscles, like his founding of Hartbeat media (currently valued at $650 million), his fortune will only continue to grow.
In fact, we predict Kevin Hart will be a billionaire in just a few short years, especially considering how fast his net worth has grown since 2010; having gone from a net worth of roughly $9 million to $470 million in just 13 short years.[1]
Just in case you were wondering, this comes out to a whopping 5,122% growth rate over the past 13 years. To put it another way, this comes out to a growth rate of roughly 35.5% year over year. Anyway you slice it, it’s extremely impressive!
How Much Does Kevin Hart Make a Year?
With a growth rate like this, you probably want to know what Kevin Hart’s salary is, or how much he makes per year. Well, on average, Hart makes between $50 to $70 million per year in income. This is a conservative estimate based on Hart’s history of having some years that brought in $87.5 million, and some years that brought in $65 million.
So, our cautious estimate of how much Kevin Hart makes is around the $60 million per year mark. Having said that, here’s how much Kevin Hart could make if he decided to hang up his hat and retire today.
To get this estimate, we must assume he’ll take his entire $470 million net worth, liquidate it, and then invest that money in an asset that pays out on average 4% annually. Why 4%? Because 3% to 5% is what average returns on safe investments have been historically.[2]
That said, Kevin Hart could easily make $18.8 million per year starting today, if he cashed it all out and retired. This also comes out to around $1.57 million per month. That’s not bad for an early retirement plan!
Kevin Hart’s Money Metrics
Money Metric | Amount |
Net Worth: | $470,000,000 |
**Earnings Per Year: | $18,800,000 |
Per Month: | $1,566,000 |
Per Week: | $361,538 |
Per Day: | $51,648 |
Per Hour: | $2,152 |
Per Min: | $35.86 |
Per Sec: | $.59 |
Note: this is a hypothetical (but very possible) earnings Metric based off of the earning power of Kevin Hart’s net worth alone. It does not include how much he could potentially earn from projects, sponsorships, or social media, etc… This calculation is for entertainment purposes only. Methodology
Kevin Hart Net Worth History
Kevin Hart’s wealth has gradually grown over the years. From $ 9 million in 2010, to $78.5 million in 2016, to the now jaw-dropping $470 million. His wealth has grown to the degree that his influence and popularity has. And as the graph below shows, his net worth seems to be accelerating.
Here’s Kevin Hart’s net worth history going back 8 years, which shows an impressive 498% increase in wealth in that short amount of time:
Kevin Hart’s Social Media Influence
Another avenue that could help Kevin Hart grow his net worth even more over the year is his social media influence.
Kevin Hart has a massive social media following which has the potential to earn him lots of extra money. How much money? Well, let’s take a look at how large his social media reach is, and then will reveal how much his social media could her him if he decided to leverage it.
Kevin Hart has over 36 million Facebook followers, 37.3 million Twitter followers, 174 million Instagram followers, 5.13 YouTube followers of his LOL Network, and 35 million TikTok followers. All of which comes out to a grand total of 287.4 million social media followers.
So, with a reach of over 287 million people, Kevin Hart could potentially bring in between $1.5 to $2 million per sponsored post, if he marketed it across all of his platforms.
Kevin Hart Fun Facts
- Standing at 5’4″ tall, Kevin Hart wanted to be a basketball player in the NBA when he was young.
- Hart was born in Philadelphia, PA in 1979.
- Kevin Hart was once told that the comedy business was not for him.
- When he first got his start in stand-up comedy, he was booed off the stage a number of times.
- Before Kevin Hart made it big, he was a shoe salesman.
- Hart once spent $16.5 million for a pet eagle.
- Kevin Hart is the proud father of four children: Heaven, Hendrix, Kenzo, and Kaori
How Did Kevin Hart Get So Rich?
Kevin Hart followed his dreams. He could have followed the path that most people follow, and stick things out at his normal 9 to 5, but Hart had big dreams. Dreams that he courageously pursued.
From almost being evicted, to spending years commuting to small gigs across state lines, to having a chicken thrown at him because his act was in need of some major polishing, Kevin Hart showed grit and determination.
He chose to take action, to follow his dreams, to put in the work that was required, and to never stop improving himself. These are the key factors related to how Kevin Hart achieved so much success, and it’s why he continues to accomplish so much as well.
It’s the key for his financial success. His relentlessness has led to countless stand-up comedy shows, successful tours, a career in film, major endorsements and sponsorships, television appearances, his own production company, book deals, and many ongoing business ventures.
Related: Kevin Hart Success Story
Kevin Hart Success Insights
That said, here are a few of Kevin Hart’s most inspiring quotes about success to inspire your hustle:
1. I stayed true to my dreams, and eventually they came true.” – Kevin Hart
2. “Everybody wants to be famous, but nobody wants to do the work. I live by that. You grind hard so you can play hard. At the end of the day, you put all the work in, and eventually it’ll pay off. It could be in a year, it could be in 30 years. Eventually, your hard work will pay off.” – Kevin Hart
3. “If you actually get up everyday and you got that action, and you got that energy that’s like ‘I have to go and do this because I’m trying to get here.’ You know everyday you’re working towards that, well you’re going to get there. It may take you longer, some may do it shorter. But, you’re not going to lose.” – Kevin Hart
4. “Hard work and determination equals success. Nothing comes easy. Put your mind to something.” – Kevin Hart
5. “A lot of blood sweat and tears has gone into this career of mine.” – Kevin Hart
Related: Kevin Hart Quotes
Kevin Hart Financial Success Insights
Here’s a great video that you should spend a few minutes watching if you’re seeking further insight regarding the why and how Kevin Hart has managed to build such a massive fortune in such a short period of time:
Video Credit: Motiversity (Subscribe Here)
Related: Get Rich With a Normal Job
Key Kevin Hart Net Worth Takeaways
Here are a handful of key takeaways from our Kevin Hart net worth page:
- Kevin Hart Net Worth: $470 million
- Annual Income: $60 million
- Annual Earnings **: $18.8 million
- Social Media Followers: 287.4 million
- Social Media Earning Power: $1.75 million per sponsored post
- Keys to Success: Taking Action, Work-Ethic, Grit, Kaizen
The net worth of Kevin Hart has grown so dramatically and to such a massive amount because of his determination to succeed. It’s also largely due to his relentless work-ethic, a characteristic that many of his fans started taking noticed of, ourselves included.
That said, Kevin Hart’s sizeable fortune is something that should inspire us. Yes, it’s large and may seem out of reach to most; however, that doesn’t mean that we can’t learn how to build a net worth like Kevin Hart, nor try.
Till you reach your aims,
** Disclaimer: These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of the earning power of Kevin Hart’s net worth alone, assuming a 4% dividend yield, along with other publicly available figures.
Tyler Perry is an inspiring director, actor, filmmaker, best-selling author, and businessman. He’s the architect behind the extremely popular “Madea” character, as well as countless movies, stage plays, and television shows. He currently owns one of the largest production studios in the United States, a 330-acre lot in Atlanta, Georgia, and continues to produce highly entertaining and inspiring films and shows for people all over the world to this day.
That said, Tyler Perry’s long list of accomplishments have led him to amass an impressive net worth over the years. So, that’s exactly what this page will be highlighting, Tyler Perry’s net worth and his current earning power. In addition to this, we’ll also throw in a few interesting facts related to his success, influence, and inspiring life. So, let’s dive in.
What Is Tyler Perry’s Net Worth?
According to Forbes, Tyler Perry’s net worth was $1 billion back in 2020.[1] However, he’s been making big moves since then; acting, directing, and creating new films, Netflix shows, and more. Not to mention, he’s made over $165 million this past year alone, and has been averaging an annual income of over $131 per year for past three years.
As such, we believe a more accurate approximation of Tyler Perry’s net worth should take into consideration how much he makes on average every year, and the average historical growth of the markets for each asset class he owns.[2]
That said, per our analysis, an up-to-date estimate of Tyler Perry’s net worth is roughly $1.2 billion,
How Much Does Tyler Perry Make Per Month?
As mentioned above, Tyler Perry’s active earnings for the past three years is approximately $131 million a year. Again, according to Forbes, he made the list of one of the highest paid entertainers this past year, pulling in over $165 million.[3]
If you’ve ever wondered how much he makes per month, this metric below provides these earnings details by month, day, minute, second.
Money Metric | Amount |
Net Worth: | $1,100,000,000 |
Earnings Per Year: | $165,000,000 |
Per Month: | $13,750,000 |
Per Week: | $3,173,077 |
Per Day: | $453,296 |
Per Hour: | $18,887 |
Per Min: | $314 |
Per Sec: | $5.24 |
How Much Would Tyler Perry Make If He Retired?
Have you ever wondered how much money Tyler Perry could make if he retired today? If so, here’s your answer.
Assuming he moved his entire net worth of $1.2 billion into a few safe investments that pay out at least a 4% yield annually, (historically, “safe” is 3 – 5 % annually) this is what his baseline retirement income would be. Which is not too shabby of a retirement plan if you ask us.
So, if Tyler Perry decided to retire today, his baseline retirement income would be $48 million a year.
Note: this is a hypothetical (but very possible) earnings metric for Tyler Perry based off of his net worth’s earning power alone. It does not include how much he could potentially earn from projects, sponsorships, or social media, etc. Again, this calculation is for entertainment purposes only.
Tyler Perry Net Worth History
Tyler Perry’s road to riches was slow at first, but once he hit it big, his riches truly started to flood in. And this graph below provides a small glimpse at how fast his wealth has grown in just the last few years.
This wealth history graph goes back 4 years, starting in 2018, and demonstrates the significant growth of Tyler Perry’s fortune. According to our calculations, the growth rate of his wealth has been about 100% over the past six years!
Tyler Perry’s Social Media Influence
Have you ever wondered how much money Tyler Perry could make form his massive social media following? If so, we got you covered.
First things first, Tyler Perry has 7.2 million Instagram followers, 15 million Facebook Followers, and 6.7 million Twitter followers. This comes out to a grand total of 28.9 million social media followers.
As such, Tyler Perry could very easily leverage his social media reach to earn himself an extra $290K per sponsored post. Of course, when you’re billionaire, that’s side hustle money.
This year I celebrate 30 years in show business.
— Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) November 5, 2022
Remember… wherever you start doesn’t have to be where you end…. Never despise small beginnings.
It takes a while to build a dream.
Fun Facts:
- Tyler Perry was born September 13, 1969 in New Orleans, Louisiana U.S.A.
- Perry’s birthname was Emmitt Perry Jr.
- Tyler Perry has one son named Aman Tyler Perry
- Tyler Perry dropped out of high school and then earned his G.E.D
Ho Did Tyler Perry Get So Rich?
Tyler Perry’s rise to riches was certainly no easy task. In fact, he spent many years working menial jobs, while simultaneously moonlighting to produce and act in, what would become his flagship play. This play was particularly important to Perry, as it was an account of his painful past, and was created to help others deal with their past.
That said, after six to seven years of trial and error to get his play off the ground and noticed by the public, he finally transformed his delivery into something people loved. Once word got out about his inspiring production, he began selling out theater after theater.
This initial success eventually lead to over $100 million in ticket sales, $20 million in merchandise sold, and $30 million in videos, even before the flood of opportunities from Hollywood would begin opening up for him.
Tyler Perry would go on to slowly star in and create many other plays after the stellar success he had with his primary play ‘I know I’ve Been Changed’. Then after maxing out the potential of those plays , he eventually took a leap into making it in Hollywood.
17 movies, 20 stage plays, and 7 television shows later, Tyler Perry has yet to look back. Tyler Perry would go on to become a billionaire, a feat rarely achieve via the entertainment industry.
Read Full Story: Tyler Perry Success Story
More Insights on How Tyler Perry Became a Billionaire
Here’s a short video produced by Forbes that gives great synopsis about Tyler Perry’s rise to riches as well. It’s only 3 minutes and 52 seconds long, but it’s worth it:
Video Credit: Forbes (Subscribe Here)
Related: Tyler Perry Success Quotes
Key Takeaways
Here are some key Tyler Perry takeaways:
- Net Worth of Tyler Perry: $1.2 billion
- Annual Earnings: $165 million
- Baseline Retirement Income: **$48 million
- Social Media Followers: 28.9 million
- Social Media Earning Power: $290K per sponsored post
- Keys to Success: Persistence, Faith, Creativity
Success icon, Earl Nightingale once stated that “Perseverance is another word for faith.” And Tyler Perry’s inspiring success journey and sizeable net worth are true testaments to the size of his faith. Indeed, Tyler Perry’s fortune is directly related to his faith in his dreams, and his ability persevere against all odds until he reached his aims.
Now it’s your turn. Until you reach your aims,
PS – If you enjoyed this Tyler Perry Net Worth Profile, then you may also enjoy reading the net worth profiles of fellow entertainers like Kevin Hart, Will Smith.
Steven Spielberg is without question one of the most successful filmmakers of all-time. He’s directed some of the most well-known and awe-inspiring films in history, including classics like ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’, ‘Jaws’, ‘Schindler’s List’, ‘E.T’, and ‘Saving Private Ryan’ just to name a few. Spielberg is a moving-making powerhouse, having directed over 34 hit films, and winning three academy awards, he’s managed to build for himself an impressive and sizeable fortune. So, that’s exactly what this page aims to highlight, Steven Spielberg’s net worth, and his estimated annual earning power.
What Is Steven Spielberg’s Net Worth?
Steven Spielberg’s net worth in 2017 according to Forbes was approximately $3.7 billion. With over $200 million of his net worth tied up in real estate these days, the bulk of his fortune is most likely in assets that have grown at the average annual growth rate of the markets between 7 and 12%.[1]
As such, Steven’s Spielberg’s net worth in 2024 is estimated at approximately $7 billion.
How Much Does Steven Spielberg Make?
Having netted $360 million from Jurassic Park, which grossed $1.03 billion, we can estimate his cut from movies to be at around 35%. Of course this is just an estimate, but if it’s accurate, it mean’s Spielberg has earned at least $3.7 billion from his movies over the past 51 years.
Having grossed over $10 billion for his existing productions, he’s managed to keep a good chunk of this money for himself.
That said, according to Parade, Steven Spielberg’s average annual income is around $150 million per year.[2] But, we couldn’t confirm how they got that number.
So, here is our own baseline income for Steven Spielberg based on the earning power of his net worth alone. To get this number, Spielberg would first need to move all of $7 billion net worth into an income generating asset (like REITS or Dividend Stocks). Then we must infer that Spielberg is a savvy enough investor to earn at least a 4% dividend payout on his fortune, which is doable considering 3 to 5% is the historical average payout for conservative assets.
Related: 4 Percent Rule
Thus, Steven Spielberg’s baseline annual income would easily translate into $280 million per year. Not bad for never having to lift a finger again to earn himself a buck.
Here’s a further breakdown of these numbers:
Steven Spielberg Money Metrics
Money Metric | Amount |
Net Worth: | $7,000,000,000 |
**Earnings Per Year: | $280,000,000 |
Per Month: | $23,333,333 |
Per Week: | $5,385,029 |
Per Day: | $769,289 |
Per Hour: | $32,053 |
Per Min: | $534 |
Per Sec: | $8.9 |
Note: this is a hypothetical (but very possible) earnings Metric for Steven Spielberg based off of his net worth’s earning power alone. It does not include how much he potentially earns from on going projects, sponsorships, or consulting, etc. Again, this page and our calculations are for entertainment purposes only. Methodology
Related: Steven Spielberg Quotes
How Did Steven Spielberg Get So Rich?
Steven Spielberg has been making movies for over five decades now, so he’s had plenty of time to improve his craft.
Besides being one of the best of the best (if not the greatest) when it comes to directing, much of Steven Spielberg’s success can be pinned down to his expressive imagination, his gift of story telling, ability to keep himself at the cutting edge of technology developments in the film industry, and penchant for making movies that are loved by kids and adults alike.
So, how did Steven Spielberg get so rich? By leveraging his talents and love for filmmaking to create masterpieces for people to enjoy. In short, he followed his dreams.
Related: Steven Spielberg Success Story
Here’s a few of insightful Spielberg quotes that give us a hint at what may have lead him to find the success and riches he now enjoys;
1. “Follow your intuition.” – Steven Spielberg
2. “I am not really interested in making money. That always comes as the result of success.” – Steven Spielberg
3. “I dream for a living.” – Steven Spielberg
4. “All good ideas start out as bad ideas, that’s why it takes so long.” – Steven Spielberg
5. “Failure is inevitable. Success is elusive.” – Steven Spielberg
Here’s what you can gather from these quotes. He follows his intuition, he trusts himself. Money is not why he does what he does. He’s driven by something more. And lastly, he dreams for a living. In other words, he followed and continues to follow his dreams.
More Insights On Building Wealth:
Key Takeaways
Here are the key takeaways from this Steven Spielberg net worth profile:
- Spielberg’s Net Worth: $7 billion
- Annual Earnings **: $280 million
- Keys To Success: Imagination, Creativity, Execution
- Keys to Success: Discovered His Gift, Self-Trust, Follows His Dreams
There you have it, the net worth of Steven Spielberg and a handful of insights that may help you get on tracking to finding more success and building your own fortune.
Till you reach your aims,
** These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of the earning power of Steven Spielberg’s net worth alone, assuming a 4% annual dividend yield.
Graham Stephan is a highly successful entrepreneur, investor, YouTuber, and multimillionaire who inspires millions of people all over world with his passion for personal finance. Having first found a great deal of success as a real estate agent, he eventually switched gears, becoming one of the most popular personal finance personalities in the world. As such, we’ll be highlighting Graham Stephan’s net worth, how he managed to build it, and the earning power of his current sizable fortune.
What Is Graham Stephan’s Net Worth?
Graham Stephan is not one to rest on his laurels. Having built up a small fortune as a real estate agent, then investor, while continuously increasing his income over the years, his net worth is larger than ever.
Graham’s real estate assets are worth around $15 million, while his stock market investments are approximately $10.2 million, and he has close to $2 million invested in crypto and cash.
That said, according to our research and analysis, Graham’s net worth is indeed much higher this year, than it was last year. Other sources have his net worth at lower figures, but that is because they do not account his assets growth overtime, or his continued pace of investment. So, as of 2024, Graham Stephan’s net worth is approximately $27 million.
How Much Does Graham Stephan Make A Year?
Now that you know how much Graham Stephan is worth, you probably want to know how much he makes. Well, we know his YouTube channel alone brings in approximately $6 million per year.[1]
However, being the savvy personal finance guru that he is, he has more than one stream of income. Graham also makes money from his coffee company, ‘Bank Roll Coffee’, but he invests most of his profit back into the business.
Per our analysis, he rakes in approximately $30K per month in gross sales, with his profit margin being around 30%.[2] As such, he makes approximately $108K per year from his coffee business.
Graham Stephan is also a real estate investor who receives a healthy dose of rental income as well. Considering that money makes money, his investment assets (both real estate and stocks combined presupposing a conservative 4% yield) easily afford him an extra $1.08 million a year in income as well.
So, all combined Graham Stephan makes roughly $7.2 million per year.
Money Metric | Amount |
Net Worth: | $27,000,000 |
**Earnings Per Year: | $7,188,000 |
Per Month: | $599,000 |
Per Week: | $138,230 |
Per Day: | $19,747 |
Per Hour: | $822 |
Per Min: | $13.7 |
Per Sec: | $.22 |
Note: This is an approximate (but very possible) earnings metric for Graham Stephan based off the low-end earning power of his estimated net worth combined with his estimated annual income. These calculations are estimates and are for entertainment purposes only. Methodology
How Did Graham Stephan Get So Rich?
Graham Stephan’s success is not an overnight success story. Graham hustled for years as a real estate agent. He got into the industry at the age of 18.
He initially made a name for himself by helping clients find rentals during the great recession. However, once the economy bounced back had unwittingly created for himself a large list of clients who eventually needed help buying homes.
Graham seized the opportunity when the market shifted an ended up becoming one of the most successful residential real estate agents in the Los Angeles area. He eventually sold over $135 million worth of real estate.
But what really helped Graham achieve so much financial success was his money management skills. Graham Stephan was extremely frugal, and although he was making lots of money selling real estate, he wasn’t spending much of it.
In fact, he opted to place most of his money in investments, with his first investment being a small multiunit residential property. He focused on paying the mortgage down on his investment as soon as possible, eventually providing him with the extra equity to invest in additional properties and assets like index funds.
Graham then took his love for frugality and being money smart to start a YouTube channel that focused on personal finance. His great financial advice and peppy personality would lead to his channel’s explosive growth, and with it, an even larger pool of money to use for investments.
That said, Graham Stephan’s habit of making every dollar he earned work at its optimal level in his investments, is what has helped Graham become as rich as he is today.
More Insights On Building Wealth:
Key Takeaways
Here are some key Graham Stephan takeaways:
- Graham Stephan Net Worth: $27 million
- Annual Earnings **: $7.2 million
- Keys to Success: Persisting As a Real Estate Agent, Frugality, Intelligent Risk Taking
Graham Stephan’s sizeable net worth is directly related to the amount of people he’s helped. He brought massive value to his clients as an efficient and honest real estate agent, and then continued to provide massive value as an online financial educator/entertainer with his YouTube channels.
And of course, his net worth is especially sizeable because of his strong investment habits. Stephan seemingly follows investment wisdom from some of the greats like Andrew Carnegie, who said, “If you want to get rich, think of saving as earning.” That said, we hope the net worth of Graham Stephan will inspire you to follow his advice so you can achieve a semblance of his financial results.
Till you reach your aims,
PS – If you enjoyed our Graham Stephan net worth profile, then you may equally enjoy learning about the net worth of other high achievers and influencers like the following:
Grant Cardone Net Worth | Tai Lopez Net Worth | Pace Morby Net Worth