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Hey there, my name is Nathan. I’m the founder of this site and I do much of the heavy lifting when it comes to analyzing our net worth profiles. If you’re reading this, it’s likely because you want to know about our net worth calculation methodologies, why we provide net worth profiles, or what qualifies us to give them.

So, let’s start with qualifications and we’ll wrap up with our calculation methodologies.


In the past I’ve held analyst and leadership roles at one of the largest non-profit credit counseling agencies in the country. I’ve also worked for one of the big four banks in the U.S., and I have my MBA.

I first became fascinated with growing my own net worth 15 years ago, after clawing my way out of over $50K in debt (adjusted for inflation). On top of that, I’ve managed to grow my own individual net worth by a minimum of 23.83% year over year in just the past five years alone.

Lastly, all writers hired to assist with our net worth profiles are vetted for prior personal finance expertise, and must possess world-class research skills.

Reasons For Net Worth Profiles

That said, I started including net worth profiles on this site for three very simple reasons. Here they are:

Reason No.1

The first reason was to inspire people to dream big. I am big believer in showcasing other people’s financial achievements and success stories to encourage and inspire people.

The following Ayn Rand quote summarizes this reasoning best:

So, we provide net worth profiles to not only provide accurate information on the subject, but to showcase what’s financially possible for people so they can be inspired shoot for big financial goals.

Reason No. 2

The second reason I started including net worth profiles was because I noticed many of the existing resources that were published online were outdated. In fact, the majority of “up-to-date” net worth profiles are over three years old.

I also noticed that many sites out there just copy and paste from other websites, and never provide sources for their figures. There’s no real research or analysis being done by 90% of the sites publishing net worth data out there.

So, I decided we’d remedy that problem here at The STRIVE.

Reason No. 3

Lastly, I noticed that most of the net worth sites (not all of them) in existence didn’t provide very much transparency in their calculations.

Most of the other sites just provide the estimated net worth figure, but not much else in terms of how they calculated their results or arrived at their answer. So, I decided to create net worth profiles that give even more insight into how we arrived at our number.


That said, here is a breakdown of our net worth calculation methodologies:

Our financial estimates are based on solid financial principles. We conduct thorough market research using existing and historical data, and we often incorporate existing trends in our financial analyses as well.

Each net worth estimate on The STRIVE incorporates known and estimated incomes based off of publicly available data. They also take into account published holdings, assets (real estate and paper), in addition to divorce records, royalties, endorsements, potential earning from social media, and yields based off of current interest rates.

That said, it’s important to know that our net worth results incorporates a private proprietary strategy that accounts for real-time shifts in the markets, changes in asset allocations, tax rates, interest rates, etc…

But most importantly, we aim to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date net worth analyses out there. So, if you’re a reader of The STRIVE’s net worth profiles, you can rest assured that you are viewing some of the best financial figures on the web.

If you ever have any questions regarding our figures, or if want to submit a correction to our analyses, please feel free to get in touch.