
Whether we are aware of it or not, perspective controls and shapes our everyday life more than anything else.
But what is perspective?
Somebody’s perspective in simple terms, is their POV (Point Of View). It’s the way they see the world and the way they make sense of what’s happening around them.
Here we will be diving into what makes perspective so important and how it impacts almost every area of our lives both consciously and sub-consciously…
Our Everyday Perspective
Nine times out of ten we are unaware of the role perspective plays in our everyday lives. Perspective is most commonly formed by the conscious and sub-conscious ‘stories’ we have learned to form over time.
For example; Your ‘story’ may be that your job is terrible and your boss is a grumpy, rude idiot. From there, we learn that you’ve made/formed a conclusion (or a certain perspective/opinion) about your job, and about your boss.
However, your colleague could have the complete opposite perspective or ‘story’. Maybe they think that the job is great and their boss is amazing. Common sense would then tell you as a result, they would probably be more productive and upbeat in their work. They probably also wouldn’t feel like crap having to get up early for work each day, because (in their perspective) it isn’t all that bad.
Remember, yes, your boss may actually be an idiot and yes, your job may suck in reality, but ask yourself what perspective would best serve you? What perspective would you rather have? What perspective would help you grow and achieve?
The Choice…
The way in which we make sense of the world can be determined by numerous factors such as; society, parents, friends, past experiences or even genetics. For example; if your parents told you that ‘rich’ people were jerks or that all ‘poor’ people were lazy, chances are you would grow up thinking that. Over time, (if unnoticed or unchanged) you would mostly see the world in this way, blocking out any information that wouldn’t fit that particular ‘story’.
However, the good news is that we do have the power the change our perspective(s).
We have the capability to completely transform the way we look at things, and therefore change the world we see around us. What if you changed your ‘story’? What would happen if you created a new perspective that allowed you to live the life you want?
Well firstly there’s no instant way to change an outlook or a perspective overnight, it takes time and conscious effort (since these beliefs or perspectives are usually formed over many, many years). Some are deeply imbedded and even used as a survival mechanism, hence why some people cling on to certain perspectives (and in essence, a certain way of thinking) their whole lives.
The key is to first notice that you want to change the way you’re thinking about something or someone, and then act from there.
Practices like meditation and mindfulness help the brain to observe something before judging it, making a person’s perspective much clearer and grounded in reality, rather than in belief. Also, just simply socializing with others and asking for their opinions or thoughts on a particular topic can spark a change in perspective for someone by opening the mind to new ideas and information.
“Your perspective will either become your prison or your passport”- Steven Furtick
Till next time,
PS – If you enjoyed this article on how perspective changes everything, then you’ll likely enjoy these quotes on mindset.
Are you looking for a way to encourage yourself this year? If so, you may have heard about positive affirmations. These are things that we tell ourselves repeatedly to encourage a specific thought or feeling to induce a positive frame of mind. Now, even though affirmations sound great in theory, most everyone wants to know the answer to the following question before giving them a shot; “But, do affirmations work?”
So, if you’ve ever asked yourself this question, then you’ll enjoy this post, as we aim to answer this very important question for you. With that said, let us first comb through some important points below, and see if incorporating positive affirmations into your daily life is something you should begin doing.
What Is the Goal of an Affirmation?
First things first, it’s vital that you know what the purpose or goal of an affirmation, before you even attempt to put them to use.
With that said, chances are, you’ve heard of affirmations before as it is a term that has been growing in popularity over the past two decades. For example, some of the more popular ones are, “I believe in myself.” or “I am worthy of what I desire.” There are also many people who say, “I choose a positive attitude .” Of course, there are plenty of other affirmations to choose from, this is just a small sample to help you understand how/why people use them.
In essences, affirmations are short statements that are relatively easy to remember. They are designed to shift your focus away from prior failures, perceived inadequacies, and other obstacles that might get in the way of your success.
In short, affirmations are meant to help you develop a positive mindset. Thus, by changing your mindset, they are supposed to put yourself in a better position to succeed. No doubt, affirmations sound great in theory, but do affirmations actually work? This is the million dollar question.
Affirmations Work
Yes, affirmations work. If you identify positive affirmations and use them properly, you can change the way you approach difficult situations. They can give you the confidence you need to take an important rest, take on a new challenge, or overcome significant obstacles.
Everyone is slightly different, so everyone will find that some affirmations work well for them, while others don’t. The key to effectiveness, is to experiment with different affirmations.
Thus, you’ll want to consistently test a few out over time, especially if you want to maximize your chances of success.
How Do Affirmations Work?
So, it is great that affirmations work, but how do they work? Affirmations take advantage of something called neuroplasticity.[1] This is your brain’s ability to change what you’re doing and adapt to different situations. Life can change quickly, and your mind has to change with it if you’d like to be successful.
When you use affirmations, you are essentially creating a mental image of yourself being successful. For example, if you want to conquer heights, you may imagine yourself skydiving. If you want to conquer your fear of public speaking, you’ll envision your successful delivering a speech without a hitch. Thus, when you repeat these affirmations to yourself, you are effectively encouraging your brain to change the way that it processes the experience in your mind.
Even though affirmations can work well for you, you need to use them properly if you want to maximize their benefits. What do you need to do if you want to get the most out of positive affirmation? Follow these steps:
1. Start With Your Negative Thoughts
If you want to write positive affirmations, the first thing you need to do is focus on your negative thoughts. After all, you’re probably writing positive affirmations because you have a difficult time overcoming a negative mindset.
There are plenty of ways you can approach this issue. For example, if you always think to yourself, “I make a lot of mistakes,” then you might want to choose a positive affirmation that is the exact opposite of this. For example, you might want to say, “I am capable of making the right decision.” You need to choose something that is the opposite of a negative thought if you want to create a positive affirmation.[2]
2. Use the First-Person
Remember that your positive affirmations are supposed to focus on you. Therefore, you need to use the first person when you write positive affirmations. You should always start with the terms such as “I” or “Me.” That way, you focus your positive affirmations on yourself.
3. Always Use the Present Tense
The goal of a positive affirmation is to help you overcome a challenge right now. Therefore, you need to write them in the present tense. You should not write them in the past tense because you do not want to focus on what has happened previously. You also do not want to write affirmations in the future tense because you want to give yourself the inspiration to act right now.
If you really want to push yourself, you may want to include something like, “right now” or “immediately” as a part of your affirmation. That way, you encourage your body to make the change now.
4. Keep the Affirmations Short
You want your affirmations to be easy to remember. Therefore, you should try to keep them short. Try to limit your affirmations to fewer than ten words. If your affirmations get any longer than this, they become very hard to remember.
If you need help keeping your affirmations short, be specific. Choose one, focused detail, and make sure your affirmation focus is on that specific issue. If there are other things you want to talk about, you can always create more positive affirmations later. There is no limit to the number of affirmations you can write.
5. Practice Them Every Day
Now that you have written a positive affirmation or two, you need to incorporate it into your daily routine. Try to practice your positive affirmations every day. For example, you may want to start by repeating them to yourself 10 times when you wake up in the morning.[3] Try to do this before you even climb out of bed.
Then, before you get back to bed, end your day on a positive note. Spend a few minutes repeating your positive affirmations to yourself. That way, you go to bed in an optimistic mood.
6. Ask for Help When Needed
Finally, remember that you don’t have to go through this on your own. Ask for help if you need it. There is no shame in asking for help, and you may want to talk to people who have successfully used positive affirmations before.
You may even want to reach out to a healthcare professional who can give you some pointers. It can be a challenge to write positive affirmations, and it can be a challenge to incorporate them into your everyday life. You might want to reach out to a professional who can assist you.
Incorporate Positive Affirmations Into Your Life
Hopefully we’ve answered the question on whether or not affirmations really work? And by our analysis, yes affirmations do work, and they are a great way to improve not just your mindset, but your life. With that said, even though affirmations can work, you need to use them properly if you want to get the most out of them.
Similar to other activities, it takes some practice to get good at incorporating affirmations into your life. If you want to get the most out of your affirmations, you might want to reach out to a professional who can help you. That way, you can take a well-rounded approach to your mindset and slowly, but surely improve your overall quality of life.
Till next time,
PS – If you enjoyed this post related to how affirmations work, then you’ll enjoy these additional supporting resources on affirmations:
Have you ever heard the saying, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.“? This quote is often attributed to Henry Ford, the great American industrialist. And it’s true — our thoughts really do have the power to influence our results, our reality, and the success we achieve in this life.
If you think positive thoughts, you’ll attract positive circumstances into your life. On the other hand, if you think negative thoughts, you’ll attract negative circumstances. It’s really that simple.
Simply put, positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results. It is the belief that good things will happen and that your efforts will be rewarded. Of course, optimism does not guarantee success. However, research suggests that a positive perspective can be extremely helpful in achieving goals and promoting happiness.
The art of positive thinking has been practiced by many cultures for centuries. In fact, some Eastern philosophies view positive thinking as a form of meditation. The power of optimism has been studied by scientists and researchers for years, and there is a growing body of evidence that supports its ability to impact how successful you become.
How Does Positive Thinking Work?
“A Great Attitude Is Not The Result of Success; Success Is The Result of a Great Attitude.”
– Earl nightingale –
Positive thinking is based on the idea that our thoughts affect our emotions and behaviors. If we think positive thoughts, we will feel positive emotions and be more likely to take positive actions. This, in turn, will lead to positive results.
The science behind positive thinking is called “self-fulfilling prophecies”. This is the idea that our expectations about a situation can influence the outcome. For example, if we expect to fail, we are more likely to give up before we even start. On the other hand, if we expect to succeed, we are more likely to persevere in the face of difficulties.
Self-fulfilling prophecies are a powerful force in our lives. They can shape our reality and determine our success or failure. You may be surprised to know that you’ve probably experienced self-fulfilling prophecies many times in your life.
One well-known example of the power of self-fulfilling prophecies is the Pygmalion Effect. This effect is named after a Greek myth in which a sculptor falls in love with a statue he has created.
In the Pygmalion Effect, people’s expectations about a situation can influence the outcome. For example, if you expect someone to be successful, you may treat them differently than if you expect them to fail. This different treatment can then lead to the person becoming successful.
The Pygmalion Effect has been studied extensively in the field of education. Teachers’ expectations about their students have been shown to impact students’ achievement. In one famous study, teachers were told that some of their students would be “intellectual bloomers” and would show significant increases in IQ over the course of the year.
Sure enough, at the end of the year, the students who were expected to bloom showed significant increases in IQ. This finding demonstrates the power of positive thinking and self-fulfilling prophecies.
The Power Of Positive Thinking
Studies have shown that people who think positively experience more happiness and satisfaction in life. They are also more likely to achieve their goals and enjoy better health. There are many benefits of positive thinking, including:
Increased Resilience. Positive thinkers are more resilient and adaptable than those who think negatively. They are better able to cope with stress and setbacks because they believe that they can overcome any obstacle.
Improved Physical Health. Positive thinking has been linked to better health. It can boost the immune system, reduce stress levels, and increase longevity.
Better Mental Health. Positive thinking can improve your mental health and well-being. It can reduce anxiety and depression, increase happiness, and help you to cope with stress.
Improved Relationships. Positive thinking can improve your relationships with the people around you. Optimistic people are more likely to have fulfilling and satisfying relationships.
Better Job Performance. Positive thinking can improve your job performance. optimistic employees are more productive, take less time off, and are more successful in their careers.
Improved Academic Performance. Positive thinking can improve your academic performance. Students who think positively are more likely to get good grades and achieve their educational goals.
How To Cultivate A Positive Mindset
If you’re not used to thinking positively, it can feel unnatural or even difficult at first. However, with a little practice, it will become easier. Here are some tips to get you started:
Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts. Pay attention to your inner dialogue and the way you talk to yourself. If you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, stop and reframe them into something more positive.
Practice Gratitude. When you start your day, take a moment to think of things you are grateful for. This will help set the tone for the day and remind you of the good in your life.
Set Realistic Goals. It’s important to have goals, but it’s just as important to make sure they are realistic. If your goals are too high, you may feel discouraged when you don’t reach them. Start small and build on your successes.
Be Accepting Of Yourself. One of the most important things you can do is to learn to accept yourself, flaws and all. We all make mistakes and we all have areas we can improve. Give yourself some grace and focus on the positive.
Be Positive About Change. Change can be difficult, but it can also be good. Embrace new experiences and challenges with a positive attitude and an open mind.
Surround Yourself With Positive People. The people you spend time with can have a lasting impact on your life. Choose to spend time with people who are positive and who will support your journey to a more positive life.
Use Affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that can help to change your mindset. For example, you might say to yourself, “I am worthy of love and happiness,” or “I am capable of achieving my goals.”
Practice Visualization. Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. See yourself achieving your dreams and living the life you want. Believe that it is possible and take action towards making it a reality.
Practicing positive thinking can lead to a more fulfilling and happier life. It takes time and effort, but it is worth it. Start making positive thinking a part of your daily routine and see how it can change your life for the better.
Related: Advantages of Positive Thinking
Maintaining A Positive Attitude In Difficult Times
“Change Your Thoughts And You Change Your World.”
– norman vincent peale –
When you’re going through tough times, it’s difficult to maintain a positive attitude. Sometimes, it may feel as though the world is against you. You may even feel as though you’re being punished or that you don’t deserve happiness.
It’s important to remember that these negative thoughts are simply your mind trying to protect you from pain. However, they are not based on reality. The truth is, you deserve to be happy, and you can weather through difficulties.
Here are some tips for staying positive when things are tough:
Acknowledge Your Feelings. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or scared. These are all normal human emotions. Don’t try to bottle them up. Acknowledge your feelings and give yourself permission to feel them. Journaling is an excellent way to recognize and process your feelings.
Find Things To Be Thankful For. Even in the darkest of times, there are always things to be grateful for. It could be something as simple as a sunny day or a warm bed to sleep in. When you look for things to be thankful for, you’ll find that they are all around you.
Practice Self-Care. When you’re going through tough times, it’s important to take care of yourself. This includes both your physical and your mental health. Make sure you are eating healthy, getting an adequate amount of sleep, and exercising regularly. You might also want to consider talking to a therapist if needed.
Connect With Others. When you’re feeling down, reach out to your family and friends. They can provide support and understanding. Sometimes just talking to someone who cares can make all the difference.
Help Others. When you’re struggling, it’s helpful to focus on someone else. It could be as simple as lending a listening ear to a friend or volunteering your time to a worthy cause. Helping others will remind you of the good in the world and it will make you feel good, too.
Find Your Passion. When you’re going through tough times, it’s helpful to find something that brings you joy. It could be a hobby, a sport, or anything else that you’re passionate about. Doing something you love will help you remember that life is still good.
No matter what you’re going through, it’s important to remember that tough times don’t last forever. With time and effort, things will get better. Just hang in there and stay positive.
A Final Case For Positive Thinking
Here’s one last resource for you to consider with regards to positive thinking and success. The video below is from Brian Tracy, who is the author of the worldwide best-selling book, the ‘Psychology of Achievement’ and 70 other books on success. He’s also the Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company that specializes in helping people achieve more success in their careers, business, and in life.
With that said, the video is worth giving at least a few minutes of your time, as it does a wonderful job explaining the power of positive thinking. So, give it a look as it makes a really strong case for thinking positively. Enjoy:
Video Credit: Brian Tracy (Subscribe Here)
The Importance Of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you improve your life in many ways. It is important to be mindful of your thoughts and surround yourself with positive people. With a little practice, positive thinking can become a part of your daily routine and lead to a more fulfilling life.
It is important to exercise patience. It takes time to change your thinking patterns and develop a more positive outlook on life. So, be patient with yourself and don’t expect overnight results. Just keep working towards your goals and you will see progress in time.
The power of positive thinking is a well-known concept, but it’s one that we often forget. Life can be tough and it’s easy to get caught up in all the negative things that are happening. However, if we take a step back and focus on the positive, not only can we start to make a difference, but we can find more success too.
Till then,
PS – If you enjoyed this article on the power of positive thinking, then you’ll love these success mindset quotes to help you improve your thinking.
In a business world that is highly crowded and competitive, it takes a lot of time and energy to remain relevant and valuable to the marketplace. Every start-up, business owner, and entrepreneurial minded manager struggles to find the time to improve themselves, let alone stay abreast of the fresh perspectives found in the sea of self-help and business books that exist. The good news is, the growing availability of business audiobooks makes the development we all need to stay competitive, possible.
Audiobooks are truly a boon for anyone seeking a greater edge in their business or career, but that’s pressed for time. So, if you find that you’re the type of person who has been unable to take their career or business to the next level, simply because you don’t have the time to sit and read, well, audiobooks are the solution.
Audiobooks are a fantastic way to absorb the information from books while going about your daily life. Whether you put one on during your commute or listen while your at the gym, they offer you a way to learn during times you normally couldn’t. With that said, here’s a handful of some of the best business audiobooks that you can begin listening to today to help you find that next level success in business and in life:
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1. ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie
This is pretty much the first book most of us turn to, the first we recommend to our friends and the one most often given as a gift. It’s the most famous books in the realm of business books but that’s for a very good reason.
This guide of how to look at situations and make yourself influential and likeable is not what you think. It is surprisingly more about how to be genuine by not faking it.
How to Win Friends and Influence People is an ideal audiobook for business gurus who want to sell their expertise the right way.
2. ‘Ego is the Enemy’ by Ryan Holiday
Success is a fickle thing and if you let your ego win then you may find it’s destroyed you and your business. But, according to Ryan Holiday (who also authored the NYT best seller The Obstacle Is The Way), you can take back your business expertise by taking control of your ego. That’s where the “Ego is the Enemy” audiobook comes in handy.
This audiobook discusses some stories of people who fell victim to their egos and the way it has affected them. It’s a great listen to stop yourself from sabotaging your profession.
3. ‘Start With Why’ by Simon Sinek
This audiobook challenges listeners to think about the “Why” in their business practices. It’s a secret technique that many natural-born leaders know. When the “Why” is addressed in one’s business venture, then that “Why” becomes the solution to business success.
Simon Sinek explains why certain people are able to see the “Why” in their work, while others don’t see it right away. So, if a business leader doesn’t see the “Why” in their work, then their leadership will fall flat. Sinek will explore this idea with his own experiences in his work and passions in the business world.
4. ‘Unbroken’ by Laura Hillenbrand
This one isn’t necessarily a business book and is pretty heavy but will give you that drive to face the challenges ahead of you.
It discusses the story of Louis Zamperini who was a POW in the second world war after his plane crashed in the Pacific leaving him drifting on a raft for 47 days. It follows his experiences transferring from prison camp to prison camp in Japan.
5. ‘The 4 Disciplines Of Execution’ by Sean Covey, Chris McChesney, and Jim Huling
If you haven’t heard of the term “4DX,” then allow the likes of Sean Covey, Chris McChesney, and Jim Huling to explain what that is. Essentially, that is the abbreviation for “The 4 Disciplines of Execution.”
This audiobook is the perfect way for business leaders to make projects get off the ground – from the brainstorming sessions to the planning stage to the team executing that brilliant idea. This idea of the 4DX consists of four disciplines that are both practical and timeless. As you listen to this immersive, conference-like discussion, you’ll get plenty of advice on how to lead your business team with an effective plan.
6. ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ by Timothy Ferriss
Although it’s not about magically turning your workweek into four hours of effort, this audiobook suggests a different approach. Rather than find that burnout cure through reduced work hours, it suggests how working smarter is a better choice.
This audiobook gives some great tips you can implement in your work. It’s a good introduction to finding that work-life balance.
7. ‘The Power Of Habit’ by Charles Duhigg
Making or breaking a habit is a familiar notion in Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit. If you’re tired of your usual business habits, or want to spice up said habits, then this audiobook is for you.
This audiobook describes how the 30-day monotony can take a toll on businesspeople, including leaders. So, what makes these habits stick in the first place? Duhigg suggests three key elements—the cue, the routine, and the reward. He demonstrates these elements through examples and anecdotes. It’s through these examples and anecdotes that listeners can learn how to develop healthier habits in their business endeavors.
8. ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change’ by Stephen R. Covey
The guidebook of how to build your character and get as much out of your day as possible. It can feel a slog at times but is well worth the time listening. This book is all about the big picture and looking to prioritize your to-do list to make you more efficient.
Its 336 pages are full of information to help you. And, it includes practical systems that you can implement into your daily life.
9. ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ by Rob S. Sharma
A very entertaining book to listen to, this is mostly targeted at entrepreneurs and artists, but definitely gives lessons everyone can take something from. It’s all about looking at what matters, taking responsibility for yourself, and knowing when it’s time to gracefully bow out.
However, the audiobook also understands when it’s time for a businessperson to double down and fight. In other words, Sharma understands that not all business ventures will be smooth-sailing. He suggests that the love for the job is what matters. It’s like the old saying, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.”
10. ‘Lean In: Women, Work, And The Will To Lead’ by Sheryl Sandberg
Celebrated TED Talk speaker and businesswoman Sheryl Sandberg isn’t afraid to share her experiences in the business world in her audiobook. The bulk of her audiobook exposes the concerns with women’s gradual but noticeable progress in business.
Sandberg not only shares from her own experiences, but also adds a bit of humor in her narrative. In addition to her assertive and casual demeanor, her book is all about tough love and understanding, since those qualities make up the recipe for success for women’s success in the business world, thus crushing the outdated, stereotypical women-stay-at-home myth.
11. ‘Lean Startup’ by Eric Ries
If you’re seeking insights on how to create a radically successful business without breaking the bank or spending endless hours developing something no one wants, then this audiobook is a must-read.
Ries provides an often overlooked approach to launching products or services without overinvesting time and money. His advice is critical for Cash strapped entrepreneurs who aim to preserve their capital and avoid business failure.
This business audio book is perfect for any entrepreneur who is thinking about launching their own startup business. If you’ve never read the book or listened to it in audio, it’s worth giving it a go.
12. ‘Your Next Five Moves: Master The Art of Business Strategy By Patrick Bet-David
‘Your Next Five Moves’ is one of the best-selling business books that is brought to you by the highly successful business mogul and growing media personality, Patrick Bet-David.
Patrick, or PBD as many have come to call him, is a nonsense thinker who cuts through what causes most people to fail in business, by offering up his shrewd business sense and practical ideas.
PBD does tell his readers what to think, but he does provide a solid framework that can help any entrepreneur or business professional better navigate the perils of modern business. If you’re looking to become a leader in your business who consistently achieves long-term success, then this is a must-read book.
Bonus Business Audiobook: ‘Mastery’ by Robert Greene
Finally, Robert Greene has a great audiobook for businesspeople everywhere. Greene will show you how to “master” the art of being a guru at anything you set your mind to, especially business.
If you’re looking to take more control of your life or business and begin shaping it into the master piece that it can be, then you’ll love this book. The work and research he puts into his every book is second to none, and in this particular book Greene pieces together the secrets of what it takes to become a Master. So, if you’re looking for some serious insights on how to become the master of your business, this book is a must read.
Wrapping Up
There are so many additional business audiobooks out there for you to choose from. This selection is just a starter list to help you learn a handful of new and unique ideas to improve yourself, your mindset, and eventually your success in business.
Of course, it’s important to branch out beyond the typical “business” genres as you search out other audiobooks that can truly help you grow.
Stephen Covey was an American educator, businessman, and author of the National Bestselling book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. He also authored many other popular books related to personal growth and striving for personal greatness. In short, he’s inspired countless people all over the world with his words of wisdom, and we aim to perpetuate that wisdom by publishing these handful of Stephen Covey quotes.
His almost sage-like advice has been used by so many people to improve their lives, and we hope you’ll be able to use some of his words to help you change yours. With that being said, if you’re ready for some of words that could quit literally change your life, let’s dive into some of these inspiring Stephen Covey quotes.
1. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character, sow a character, reap a destiny.” – Stephen R. Covey
2. “But until a person can say deeply and honestly, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say, “I choose otherwise.” – Stephen R. Covey
3. “To achieve goals you’ve never achieved before, you need to start doing things you’ve never done before.” – Stephen R. Covey
4. “If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.” – Stephen R. Covey
5. “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.” – Stephen R. Covey
6. “Effective people are not problem-minded; they’re opportunity-minded. They feed opportunities and starve problems.” – Stephen R. Covey
7. “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” – Stephen R. Covey
8. “Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be.” – Stephen R. Covey
9. “Start with the end in mind.” – Stephen R. Covey
10. “The way we see the problem is the problem.” – Stephen R. Covey
11. “Make time for planning; ware are won in the general’s tent.” – Stephen R. Covey
12. “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – Stephen R. Covey
13. “To change ourselves effectively, we first had to change our perceptions.” – Stephen R. Covey
14. “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen R. Covey
15. “We see the world, not as it is, but as we are──or, as we are conditioned to see it.” – Stephen R. Covey
16. “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” – Stephen R. Covey
17. “Leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it themselves.” – Stephen R. Covey
18. “Two people can see the same thing, disagree, and yet both be right. It’s not logical; it’s psychological.” – Stephen R. Covey
19. “At some time in your life, you probably had someone believe in you when you didn’t believe in yourself.” – Stephen R. Covey
20. “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” – Stephen R. Covey
21. “You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage—pleasantly, smilingly, non-apologetically, to say “no” to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger “yes” burning inside. The enemy of the “best” is often the “good.” – Stephen R. Covey
22. “To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground.” – Stephen R. Covey
23. “If I really want to improve my situation, I can work on the one thing over which I have control – myself.” – Stephen R. Covey
24. “Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic” – Stephen R. Covey
25. “Highly effective people tend to be proactive. They decide to find a better job or to have better health, rather than responding to whatever curves life throws at them.” – Stephen R. Covey
26. “Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.” – Stephen R. Covey
27. “My paradigm shifted. Suddenly I saw things differently, and because I saw differently, I thought differently, I felt differently, I behaved differently.” – Stephen R. Covey
28. “Live out of your imagination, not your history.” – Stephen R. Covey
29. “When you make a mistake, admit it, correct it, and learn from it — immediately.” – Stephen R. Covey
30. “You can’t change the fruit without changing the root.” – Stephen R. Covey
31. “The only thing that endures over time is the “Law Of The Farm”. You must prepare the ground, plant the seed, cultivate, and water if you expect to reap the harvest.” – Stephen R. Covey
32. “There are three constants in life…change, choice, and principles.” – Stephen R. Covey
33. “What you do has greater impact than what you say.” – Stephen R. Covey
34. “Setbacks are inevitable; misery is a choice.” – Stephen R. Covey
35. “Leadership is a choice, not a position.” – Stephen R. Covey
36. “If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy.” – Stephen R. Covey
37. “The power to keep commitments to ourselves is the essence of developing the basic habits of effectiveness.” – Stephen R. Covey
38. “I use the word effectiveness to get away from the word of success, because it tends to connote only getting desired results. But, you have to constantly nurture the assets that produce those desired results.” – Stephen R. Covey
39. “It’s the nature of reactive people to absolve themselves of responsibility.” – Stephen R. Covey
40. “Leaders are not born or made, they are self-made.” – Stephen R. Covey
41. “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” – Stephen R. Covey
42. “Synergy is better than my way or your way. It’s our way.” – Stephen Covey Quote
Halfway There
You’ve made it to the halfway point, great job! Here are a few fun facts to ponder if you’re looking for a little break….
Fun Fact: Stephen Covey was once named by Time magazine as one of the top 25 most influential people.
Fun Fact: Corporations would pay Stephen Covey’s business over $500 million per year to have him teach and train their staff the reinvention/leadership strategies found in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Fun Fact: Stephen Covey is the father of the following 7 Habits…..
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit 4: Think Win/Win
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Habit 6: Synergize
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Alright, let’s get back to these inspiring Stephen Covey quotes shall we?
Related: Best Self-Growth Quotes
43. “If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm.” – Stephen R. Covey
44. “Each of us guards a gate of change that can be opened only from the inside.” – Stephen R. Covey
45. “You can retire from a job, but don’t ever retire from making extremely meaningful contributions in life.” – Stephen R. Covey
46. “The roots of the problems we face in the world, in our national life, and in our family and personal lives are spiritual.” – Stephen R. Covey
47. The key is taking responsibility and initiative, deciding what your life is about and prioritizing your life around the most important things.” – Stephen R. Covey
48. “Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them.” – Stephen R. Covey
49. “Every time you think the problem is ‘out there’, that very thought is the problem.” – Stephen R. Covey
50. “Life is not accumulation, it is about contribution.” – Stephen R. Covey
51. “Employers and business leaders need people who can think for themselves — who can take initiative and be the solution to problems.” – Stephen R. Covey
52. “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” – Stephen R. Covey
53. “Your most important work is always ahead of you, never behind you.” – Stephen R. Covey
54. “Treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.” – Stephen R. Covey
55. “Motivation is a fire from within. If someone tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.” – Stephen R. Covey
56. “Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic.” – Stephen R. Covey
57. “Be a part of the solution, not part of the problem.” – Stephen R. Covey
58. “Proactive people carry their own weather with them.” – Stephen R. Covey
59. “Accountability breeds response-ability.” – Stephen R. Covey
60. “Live your life by a compass, not a clock.” – Stephen R. Covey
61. “Deep within each of us is an inner longing to live a life of greatness and contribution – to really matter, to really make a difference. We can consciously decide to leave behind a life of mediocrity and to life a life of greatness – at home, at work, and in the community.” – Stephen R. Covey
62. “There’s no better way to inform and expand your mind on a regular basis than to get into the habit of reading good literature.” – Stephen R. Covey
63. “Being influenceable is the key to influencing others.” – Stephen R. Covey
64. “Most arguments are not really disagreements but are rather little ego battles and misunderstandings.” – Stephen R. Covey
65. “We live in a shortcut world. Can you imagine a farmer “cramming” in the fall to bring forth the harvest, as students have done, and still do, to pass examinations? Can you imagine a mile runner “pretending” speed and endurance, or a concert pianist “putting on the appearance” of skill and proficiency?” – Stephen R. Covey
66. “Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education.” – Stephen R. Covey
67. “Most meetings are a waste of time, because they are so ill-prepared and there’s so little opportunity for true synergy in producing better results.” – Stephen R. Covey
69. “Our most important financial asset is our own capacity to earn.” – Stephen R. Covey
68. “We are not animals. So, we are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice.” – Stephen R. Covey
70. “To know and no to do is really not to know.” – Stephen R. Covey
71. “The space between stimulus and response, is the freedom to choose your response.” – Stephen R. Covey
72. “You cannot hold people responsible for results if you supervise their methods.” – Stephen R. Covey
73. “I believe conflicting or diverse viewpoints are a gift.” – Stephen R. Covey
74. “Win/Lose poisons the mind.” – Stephen R. Covey
75. “People deep into their souls know principles that are universal, timeless, and self-evident.” – Stephen R. Covey
76. “You cannot think independently in an interdependent world.” – Stephen R. Covey
77. “Don’t waste time on things that are urgent but not important.” – Stephen R. Covey
78. “Write a personal mission statement and live by it, so that your life is a function of your values, not a function of your environment.” – Stephen R. Covey
79. “It isn’t the poisonous snake that bites you that does the serious harm, it’s chasing that sucker that drives the poison into the heart.” – Stephen R. Covey
80. “Leadership is a choice.” – Stephen R. Covey
81. “I wouldn’t do work that does not add value, even if you make money. I would do work which significantly adds value to society.” – Stephen R. Covey
82. “Most meetings don’t need to take place.” – Stephen R. Covey
83. “I have no desire at all to retire, I never will. I am convinced that you should waste and wear out your life trying to make a contribution.” – Stephen R. Covey
84. “The greatest contribution I want to make frankly is to strengthen the families. To me that’s more important than any other organization there is.” – Stephen R. Covey
85. “Where you are headed is more important than how fast you are going.” – Stephen R. Covey
86. “You’ve got to develop the moral authority that your life is not a function of your moods, it’s a function of your values.” – Stephen R. Covey
87. “Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people.” Stephen R. Covey
88. “Don’t get seduced by money and by material things. It may be good to a degree, but in the long run what matters is the quality of the relationships with people, the quality of your character, and the quality of the contribution you make.” – Stephen R. Covey
89. “There’s four basic needs in all of us; to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy.” – Stephen R. Covey
90. “You’re a product of your own choices.” – Stephen R. Covey
91. “That which you resist persists.” – Stephen R. Covey
92. “People simple feel better about themselves when they’re good at something.” – Stephen R. Covey
93. “When we defend those who are absent, you retain the trust of those present.” – Stephen R. Covey
94. “Paradigms are powerful because they create the lens through which we see the world.” – Stephen R. Covey
95. “Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.” – Stephen R. Covey
96. “Make sure that as you scramble up the ladder of success, it is leaning against the right building.” – Stephen R. Covey
97. “The win-win mentality is fundamental not just to business but to all of life’s relationships. it’s the ticket to entry into any human being’s heart.” – Stephen R. Covey
98. “People are working harder than ever, but because they lack clarity and vision, they aren’t getting very far. They, in essence, are pushing a rope… with all of their might.” – Stephen Covey
99. “Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationships with others.” – Stephen R. Covey
100. “The key to success is dedication to life-long learning.” – Stephen R. Covey
Bonus Stephen Covey Quote
Bonus: Here’s one last and final quote from our collection of Stephen Covey quotes. It’s one of our favorites, which is why we’ve decided to highlight it here. They’re certainly great words to live by. Enjoy!
“Everyone Chooses One Or Two Roads In Life – The Old And The Young, The Rich And The Poor, Men And Women Alike. One Is The Broad, Well-traveled Road To Mediocrity, The Other The Road To Greatness And Meaning.”
– stephen covey –
Final Thoughts
There you have it, the best of the best Stephen Covey quotes that could help you change your life. If you’ve yet to read his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we highly recommend it.
With that being said, if you enjoyed this page, please share it and bookmark it. And we hope you’ll leverage Stephen Covey’s wise words to reinvent yourself, find more success, and create the results you desire most from life.
Till next time,
If you’re looking for a way to increase your salary, get a raise, or get that promotion you’ve been eyeing, then upskilling should be on your radar. If it is, then this page is for you, as it covers the best upskilling platforms that can level up your earning power. Choosing the right one is crucial to maximizing your time and money, which is why’ve created this guide that ranks and reviews the best upskilling platforms for you.
for beginners + affordable.
hiqh quality + well respected.
for working professionals.
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In this guide, we rank and review the 3 best upskilling platforms. Certainly, there are many additional platforms to consider; however, per our research, these are the best of the best.
We may add more to the list at a later date; but we wanted to save you time so that you can pick the best one for yourself, start upskilling.
That said, if you’re ready to learn more about the best upskilling platforms that will actually help you increase your income, let’s get started:
1. Coursera
Coursera is our top pick when it comes to upskilling platforms. One of the reasons we love their platform so much is because of the variety of courses they offer (over 5,800).
Another reason we love them is because of the learn for free option. With Coursera, you can take almost any course they offer for free.
Of course, there is a catch. If you go the free route, you get the skills but not the credentials.
So, you only have to pay if you want the certification or grading that comes with the program. The great news is the program is extremely affordable.
Coursera Pricing:
Speaking of affordability, let’s talk about Coursera’s pricing. They offer their students guided projects, which start at around $9.99.
Coursera also offers professional certificates which start at roughly $39.99 per month. If you plan to use their site heavily, you can opt for an entire year’s worth of courses for approximately $399, which is roughly $81 dollars cheaper if you used them for a whole year on their monthly plan.
One last thing on pricing is that they even offer degrees, which start at $9,000.
Here’s What People Are Saying About Coursera:
- “I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with Coursera. I have loved the learning I have been able to do and look forward to taking many more classes with them.” – Denise
- “Coursera is the best learning platform that offers high-quality courses. There are no deadlines or restrictions to finish the studies. You can learn from anywhere, at any time, on any device. We can access multiple courses at a time. We can catch up on material at our convenience.” – Nalli N.
- “I have been using coursera to learn R and data analysis skills. This has proven so helpful in learning this through step by step instructions and has given me some certificates that make strong additions to a resume.” – Andrew J.
Key Features:
Some of the key features I liked best about Coursera, is that they offer such a vast array of high demand skills to choose from. They offer data analytics, digital marketing, project management, cyber security, you name it.
Another key feature was that fact that they had partnerships with major Universities. This added credibility to their programs, and it instilled confidence that what I was learning was useful.
Currently, Coursera partners with over 300 different universities and companies, to create the high-quality courses they offer. Here’s a small sample, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg:
Overall Feeling:
Overall, I recommend the Coursera platform as my #1 choice for upskilling platforms. It’s affordable, credible, and can be done at your own pace.
I also love the fact that if you finish your courses early, you can actually save money when using the monthly plans.
Hands down, this platform can help you learn key skills that employers want. And it can help you gain the certifications and technical know-how to level up your income and salary.
2. Udacity
Udacity is a powerhouse when it comes to digital upskilling. They started out as a company that offered free AI classes back in 2011 via Sandford University.
The demand for their courses grew so fast, that they decided to pivot and create a platform that offered their transformative education to more people. Now, they’re a leader in the creation of job-ready digital skills that empower people all over the world.
Udacity Pricing:
Udacity offers a handful of programs to students free of charge. And they are high quality programs too.
But they also offer some high-powered courses and certification programs. Their flagship certifications are known as nanodegrees.
You can pay monthly as you move through their courses at your own pace for $399 per month.
Or you can opt to purchase three month’s worth of access to their platform for $1,017. Why three months? Because that’s how long it typically takes to complete their programs.
That said, some of their more advanced programs, like Data Science or Machine Learning offer 4 and 5 month packages, and charge $1,356 and $1,695, respectively.
Here’s What People Are Saying About Udacity:
- “Excellent Program! I was a bit hesitant in enrolling at first but I’m glad I did it. The content is well structured and the pace at which you take in new information is just right.” – Tamim N.
- “Excellent program so far. The exercise notebooks were good and demanding enough to require the learner to really internalize new concepts and look things up on their own as they would on the job.” – Tom
- “I am super satisfied with the program. The schedule is totally relatable and realistic, and the videos are well balanced between explaining what is necessary and not making it too basic.” – Elisa
Key Features:
Udacity offers up courses that provide its users with knowledge that is highly relevant in the marketplace. In fact, most of their programs strive to provide its students with the skills needed to achieve $100K+ tech careers. On top of that, their aim is to do it in as little as 3 months.
Another great feature of Udacity is that their programs are co-created with some of the world’s most innovative companies. This gives every graduate of their program a real advantage in the marketplace.
One last great feature is their mentorship program. Udacity provides 24/7 access to mentors who are typically on standby to help you with your work, should you get stuck.
Overall Feeling:
Udacity is a legit upskilling platform. It’s not a program for the uninitiated. It’s for serious seekers of knowledge, and money-making skills.
As such, my overall assessment of Udacity is high. The only reason I’d recommend Coursera over this program is because of the price point.
However, if you’re seeking to jump into a completely new career in the shortest amount of time possible, then this program is preferable. It’s also preferable if you’re looking to grow any ai, deep learning, or programming-related skillset rapidly.
That said, Udacity is worth trying out.
3. EdX
EdX has been around since 2012. It was founded by scientists from MIT and Harvard as an experiment to provide every single person the opportunity to acquire the world’s best education.
The organization’s aim these days is to transform ambition into impact by connect millions of people with affordable, career relevant opportunities.
EdX offers over 4,200 online courses, 300+ programs, and partners with educational heavyweights like Harvard, MIT, Boston University. They also partner with corporate heavyweights like Google, IBM, and Meta.
That said, edX is for serious learners who are looking to gain verifiable certifications, or have their courses count towards credit at more formal educational institutions like college or universities.
EdX Pricing:
Again, edX offers some serious educational and upskilling options. You can get a master’s degree through them with a starting point of around $10K, that can dip into the mid $20K range.
They also offer micromaster’s programs which are around $600 to $1500.
Then they have microbachelor’s programs which similarly priced to the micromaster’s program.
As mentioned earlier, edX also offers certification programs. And their price point starts as low as $150, but can get up into the $1000’s depending on the program.
If you’re looking for college credit, they offer a program called the Global Freshman Academey which charges around $200 per credit.
Here’s What People Are Saying About EdX:
- “Honestly edX is my favourite site to do these courses. The fee you pay for the certificates if you go that route are indefinite, so you can do the course as you please. Other sites you would have to pay monthly and depending if you don’t complete within the month you’ll only pay more. So, price wise really good.” – edX Learner
- “I have been a student since the early days of edX. I have learned so much from high-quality courses delivered on the edX platform, taught by top-notch universities and industry partners all over the world. In the COVID19 #stayhome season, edX gave more learning opportunities. I cannot recommend edX enough!” – David
- “The MIT courses were excellent. The same content as the university but broken into digestible chunks with concept checks along the way. I found the deadlines challenging but not overwhelming. Also, so much more convenient than commuting to a campus.” – edX Learner
Key Features:
EdX is easy to use, convenient, available on all platforms, and provides employer-recognized certifications. They also offer many free courses if you want to brush up on any subjects or skillsets that will help you be more valuable at work.
This upskilling platform does lean more towards higher education than the other programs; however, if you’re considering going back to school anyway, this platform makes sense to jump onto.
Here are just a handful of their high-caliber educational partners:
Overall Feeling:
Overall, you can’t go wrong with using edX, especially if you have goals to acquire a credential in the form of a degree. They’re affordable, well-known, a provide solid career-based courses, certifications, and degrees that can help you move up in the world.
That said, navigating through the portal and through your courses can seem “clunky” at times. Some students have also mentioned that their experience was slightly complicated.
All in all, however, they are worth giving a try, especially since they offer a 14 day free trial.
Upskilling Runners-Up
Here are some runners-up worthy of your consideration as-well. They are not our top three, but they are still solid upskilling platforms that you can leverage to level-up your skillsets.
One platform I want to call out about his list is SkillShare. They are geared towards improving your creative/design skills. So, if that’s a skill you want to improve upon, they are certainly worth looking into.
- SkillShare (get a free month)
- Udemy
- Grow With Google
Final Thoughts
If you’re serious about changing your life, or improving your financial situation, then it is imperative that you focus on upskilling. The only way an employer is going to pay you more money is if you put in more time with the company (which is slow upskilling), or you bring more to the table skill-wise by learning new skills.
When choosing a platform, consider the exact features you need, what your budget can handle, and what your overall end goal is before making your final decision.
“Your Success Will Always Be Measured By The Quality And Quantity Of Service You Render.” –
– Earl Nightingale –
That said, the platforms outlined here are some of the best. They are all relatively affordable, provide high quality learning, and offer certifications that most employers acknowledge and respect.
If you’re ready to increase your skills and potentially your salary, give one of these upskilling platforms a try.
Till you reach your aims,
We all make excuses from time to time. Some people make a whole lot of excuses, while others make little to none. And if you’ve found yourself hopping from one excuse to another more often than you’d like, then this article on how to stop making excuses is for you.
With that being said, if you’re ready to find out how it’s possible to make excuse-making a thing of the past, let’s dive in to find out.
Do you find yourself saying No to your goals more often than you say Yes? Do you find that when you do follow through with something, you have to continuously make excuses as to why it took so long?
While excuses may seem harmless at first, they only hold you back from achieving your goals and dreams.
The sooner you eliminate them from your life, the sooner you can become the person that accomplishes everything they want in life.
I have good news and bad news… there comes a time in your life when you feel the need to make a shift from making excuses to taking responsibility. And it is never too late to make a change for the better!
Whatever age or phase of your life you may be in, when you stop making excuses, you start to grow exponentially as a person. You start to move from being reactive (nothing is happening in my life) to being proactive (I am capable and responsible to improve this thing in my life).
Yet, beware! Going from making excuses to taking responsibility is not automatic; baby steps & careful effort will get you there. Here are the fundamental tools that will help you change your life with this transition:
To Stop Making Excuses, Dive Deeper
Have you ever wondered why people make excuses? Is it entirely because everyone is too lazy or too irresponsible? Maybe! But here’s the catch: Often, making excuses is a superficial reaction to something deeper that is going on inside us.
We are complex beings and sometimes we hide a lot of our emotions, such as fear, anger, guilt, or stress, under the surface.
Figure out why you’re making an excuse. Write it down. See what you need to process that emotion in a healthy way.
Part of what allows us to make so many excuses is that we don’t always realize how much we use them. Think about your day and note five common reasons you didn’t complete a task or reach a goal.
When you do it, you might notice something like you can’t work out today because you only had an hour, you didn’t go grocery shopping because you didn’t feel like it, or you couldn’t clean your house yesterday because your sister needed help with her homework.
You can probably identify your own specific types of excuses after doing something similar for yourself.
By cutting out common excuses—I am too busy, I don’t have enough money, I deserve a break—we give ourselves permission to get things done.
By setting new boundaries—I will work out at 6 p.m., If I get paid tomorrow then I am allowed to go buy groceries on Sunday morning—we demonstrate our commitment to being successful.
Sometimes all it takes is recognizing that, instead of being too tired to exercise, maybe you are just not in a hurry right now. Recognizing these patterns in your behavior helps cut through the confusion and allows you to refocus your energy on getting things done right away.
Decide Where You Want to Go
Start with a problem that you want to solve or a goal that you want to achieve. Then ask yourself what you need in order to get there—goals, tools, skills?
Don’t hesitate to do a little research on how to set clear goals. Once you’ve done your research, get to work on making them happen.
Break down your long-term objective into smaller steps and use your milestones as motivation along the way. You might find it helpful to keep a journal or start a milestone checklist of things you’ve accomplished so far and check off each item when it’s done.
Celebrate your successes no matter how small!
Related: Lame Excuses That Kill Success
To Stop Making Excuses Take Action
Are you someone who finds yourself making excuses very frequently about something? Here’s a powerful way to stop doing that: Take action, and it doesn’t matter how small the action is.
When you take that first step, that will help you stop making excuses. Small action steps on a daily basis are an effective way to eliminate those excuses.
Need to write something? Open the document or your notebook and write the first line. Starting a new fitness program? Do one exercise for one minute. Thinking about a change for the better in your career? Write down one reason why you want this.
Set Goals
Taking action is a gradual process. In order to get rid of the vicious cycle of making excuses, set small goals. These goals will act like benchmarks that will give you the necessary push & motivation to keep going. Small steps and small rewards will add up to great results.
So even if the results are too small to be visible right now, your results will be visible over time. I promise!
Embrace The Journey
The process to stop making excuses is one that asks you to challenge yourself to be a better person. It’s worth it so you can enjoy a better life! It is a step-up call that you’re planning to answer. Right?
Stepping out of your comfort zone is totally OK, just remind yourself to enjoy the adventure. And you don’t have to succeed the first time. But every time you try, you will be a step closer to success and closer to your results.
So, instead of being afraid of the changes, embrace the fear & emotions that come with them completely. In many cases, you can re-label the fear as excitement. And let go of any judgment.
Just observe & release.
Related: No Excuses Quotes
Leverage Your Support Systems
Here’s the thing about making changes in life. Many times we assume (wrongly!) that we have to win all our battles alone. When it comes to stop making excuses, you will benefit from some objective feedback from a wise & neutral person.
This solves the stickiness and gets you into your new, improve habit patterns. If you feel like things are a bit too overwhelming for you right now, trust yourself to reach out.
Remember, all you need to stop making excuses is take that first step. Go make things happen!
Till next time,
Having a good work ethic is something that will aid you in getting further in life. There are countless success stories out there, from celebrities, athletes, and high-powered CEOs, who credit most, if not all of their success, to their strong work ethic. So, that’s what we aim to touch on in this article, how to develop a strong work ethic.
Before we dive into that however, let’s quickly cover the meaning of what having a strong work ethic is. So, here we go:
One’s work ethic is how one approaches and tackles tasks within one’s job and ultimately their career. Having a good work ethic sets apart those who reach the success they desire and those who fall short. Some attributes include punctuality, prioritizing, and professionalism. But by and large, having a good work ethic comes down to believing and that your extra efforts, and your hard work will lead to some form of benefit or reward.
With that being said, no matter which sphere you work in or what your profession may be, there is an emphasis placed on the need for a good work ethic in all working environments.
This is not merely to be found in employees, but is often something good employers and strong leaders should show through example. So, without further delay, let’s dive in and examine some of best steps you can take to develop a strong work ethic for yourself going forward:
1. Punctuality And Good Time Management
Other things could be placed before this point, but the importance of showing up on time cannot be stressed enough. When it comes to arriving for work or attending meetings, it is of the utmost importance that you show up on time.
This is because it shows that you are invested in what you are doing, and that you are dependable. If you tend to arrive just on time or a few minutes late, be aware that others may translate this as your being lazy or having little desire for your job.
Thus we would recommend examining what is causing you to lack punctuality and then seeking out how to address the issue. This may be as simple as going to bed earlier and waking up half an hour earlier at the start of each day.
Good punctuality and good time management is part and parcel of having a good work ethic.
2. Prioritizing Of Work And Tasks
We know that we can sometimes get overwhelmed by the amount of work that one has before them, and often our instinct is to grab onto the first thing at hand. But, if you can fight off this urge, and aim to prioritize your work and tasks, your productivity will skyrocket.
This is something where not only will it make you more productive, but it will also make your life much easier as well as stress-free.
Your employer or boss will often inform you of what tasks are of higher priority, but this is not always the case. Therefore, it is up to you to create a strategic plan that outlines what is of most importance.
You know your work, and what it entails better than anyone else. So give your tasks some thought when prioritizing them, and then just tick off the work as you go.
This approach will also aid in organizing your life and create less hassle and confusion throughout your days. And trust us, your employer will noticed the difference in you and your work.
3. Taking Initiative
If you really want to know how to improve work ethic, pay attention to this tip about initiative. Here’s why, because in any line of work, the job is never truly done. There will always be more to do, and we can also continually improve and tweak the way we work.
Thus it is essential to be someone who does not merely sit back and wait to be told what to do. If you know that something is required, yet you have not been asked to do it, step out and offer to get started on the task.
If you have ideas on how productivity or general workflow can be improved or any other concepts that you feel may benefit your company and workplace, do not hesitate to approach your boss to make suggestions.
Leadership and good managers are always on the look out for the team member who shows initiative. So decide to be “that person” and you’ll become known for showing initiative as well as the person who has a strong work ethic.
Related: Ways to Take More Action
4. Set Goals For Yourself
To ensure the completion of tasks promptly and to a desirable quality, one needs to have goals set in place. These goals and objectives should be clear and precise, and not too vague.
Before starting on a task, be sure that you know what the requirements are, and if you are unsure, we advise you to query any aspects thereof.
You should have goals that are measurable in some way or form, even if it is merely the timeframe in which to complete them. Your goals should challenge you, but ought to be realistic. Once you know what you need to execute, then you are ready to get started.
5. Take Pride In Your Work
So you are on time, you have prioritized the work, taken initiative, and have clear goals in mind. Now it is time to knuckle down and get the job done. You do not merely want to do the work, but instead, you want to deliver a final product that you can be proud of and which will hopefully even gain you praise.
In other words, take ownership of what you do, and how you do it.
Even at times when you are having a bad day, giving your best at all times is a skill that is sometimes hard to implement consistently, but it can be done. So always be sure to give your best and know that what you offer is commendable.
6. Do Not Fear Making Mistakes
We all slip up and fail at some time in our lives, but that is not the issue. What we are concerned about is how we react to such stumbling blocks. Those with a good work ethic will take the fall with a pinch of salt, dust themselves off and get back on their feet, ready to move on.
If you look at individuals who have achieved greatness, they would be lying if they said they had not failed repeatedly. What sets them apart from others, though, is that they did not let it get to them. So, embrace your failures, learn the lesson and move on to the next task.
7. Professional Behavior And Presentation
Professionalism manifests itself in various ways, from how one carries themselves, appearance, communication with others, and overall conduct. You want to be someone who exudes discipline, trustworthiness, and loyalty, as well as a longing for self-betterment.
An excellent place to start is being respectful towards others and yourself and taking your job seriously. That is not to say that you cannot have fun and enjoy yourself in your work, but realize its importance and constantly strive for excellence.
8. Learn How To Work Well In A Team
A team player will shine in most working environments. There are few jobs out there where you will be working in isolation. So it is a good idea to harness your interpersonal skills and learn how to interact with people in a professional, courteous, and friendly manner.
Team players know how to reach compromises with others, and they realize that they are not the only ones who’s voice has merit. Professionalism really comes into play here as well, and so does learning how best to handle situations where conflict may arise.
So, if you’re serious about improving your work ethic, become obsessed with being a great team player.
9. Eliminate Distractions
In the hectic and fast-paced world in which we live and with the advent of things like social media and extensive means of communication, it’s no wonder there are so many distractions. When it comes to working, you need to focus on the job at hand, and you need to ensure that your personal life does not creep in and draw you from your work.
We are bombarded constantly with notifications and messages, including work-related ones. But, we need to bear the other points in mind our priorities. Why, because people with a good work ethic have their priorities straight. That, and they make sure they focus most of their time on the things that matter.
So set specific times when you will check your emails and such to maintain an uninterrupted workflow. If you can keep your distractions to a minimum, you can ensure your productivity is at its maximum.
10. Maintain A Positive State Of Mind
This one links up with some of the other points, such as not letting failures get to you. If something negative occurs at work, whether that be not meeting a deadline, having a dispute with a colleague, or dealing with a disgruntled boss, try to remain positive.
This is undoubtedly easier in theory, but it does make a massive difference in the end. Do not allow one negative incident set the tone for your whole day. Rather. work through it and then set it aside to tackle what comes next.
Related: Maintaining a Positive State of Mind
We do not all have jobs where we jump out of bed and cannot wait to start the day; this is true. However, by leveraging the work ethic related tips above, you can help yourself have a better experience within the workplace. Here are those tips again in summary to help you internalize them so you can actually improve your work ethic:
- Be Punctual
- Prioritize Your Tasks
- Show Initiative
- Set Goals For Yourself
- Take Pride In Your Work
- Take More Calculated Risks
- Strive For Professionalism
- Be a Good Team Player
- Remove Distractions and Get Focused
- Have a Positive Mindset
Without a doubt, you will be surprised at how much of a difference a good work ethic has, not only on your job, but on all aspects of your life.
With that being said, here are a handful of other work ethic resources you can use for encouragement and inspiration to level up your work ethic:
- Work Hard & You’ll Succeed
- Work Ethic and Success
- #1 Ingredient For Success
- 10 Characteristics of a Good Work Ethic
Lastly, you don’t have to work 80+ hours a week, and function off of only 5 hours of sleep every night just to prove you have a good work ethic. To develop a strong work ethic, all you have to do is practice a few of these simple steps daily.
And over time your work ethic will gradually improve. Others will soon take note of the changes, and you may just be pleasantly surprised with all the new opportunities that begin flowing your way.
Till next time,
PS – If you enjoyed this article on how to develop a strong work ethic, then you’ll love these work ethic quotes.