
Welcome to episode 017 of the Greatness Project! As you probably already know, Think Strive Become is all about encouraging, curating, and sharing greatness. So you’ll find plenty of greatness being shared in this episode, on how to be successful in anything.
In this episode, instead of interviewing an inspiring guest, or providing some of my own insights on how you can become your best, I decided to incorporate an insightful and motivational speech (with permission of course) from an inspiring guest I had on the show a few months back, Matt Rushbrook.
His speech is related to what it takes to be successful, and it contains massive value. If you listen to it with an open mind and earnestness, you can walk away with a more powerful and renewed philosophy to rock your own success.
You’ll Learn
- The Importance of Being Open to Learning
- The Power of Determination
- Why Talent is Overrated
- How to Be Successful in Anything
Thanks For Listening!
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Big thank you to Matt for sharing his FIRE on How to be Successful in Anything! I hope you gathered some key takeaways from his message, insights you can apply to your life to help you reach your dreams.
You can learn more about Matt via his Instagram page, by contacting him directly at matthewrushbrook@yahoo.com, or by listening to our interview on episode 007.
Till next time friends… keep striving!
Music By:
This week, I’m honored to welcome inspirational speaker Daniel Rodriguez to the show, for a non-sugarcoated conversation on striving to rise to our potential. RISING TO OUR POTENTIAL Daniel Rodriguez, is an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran that has been awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. On top of that, he is a […]
This week, I’m honored to welcome inspirational speaker Daniel Rodriguez to the show, for a non-sugarcoated conversation on striving to rise to our potential.
Daniel Rodriguez, is an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran that has been awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. On top of that, he is a Best-Selling Author, ex-NFL athlete, and professional speaker.
In 2014, Daniel authored ‘RISE’, a book that has made it onto the New York Times Best Seller…and is an account of his phenomenal story of loss, war, hitting rocking bottom, and eventual redemption and rising to not only meet the challenges of the day, but to go forth create a legacy that empowers and inspires others to rise to their potential.
In our interview, Daniel doesn’t hold anything back, and tells it like it is. He provides some insights on how his book came to be, why he does what he does, and some very insightful ideas we could all to rise to our potential.
Join me as I pick the brain of this inspirational human…you’ll gain from what he has to say.
Mount Crushmore:
Daniel’s Mount CRushmore of inspiration are the people who have inspired him to strive to pursue his greatness. In short, the inspirational people who continue to motivate him to want to crush life more!
His Father
Various Mentor’s He’s Had
Must-Read Book:
The book that has had the biggest impact on Daniel, which he would recommend others read to significantly improve their life.
Book: Mindset
Audible: Audible.com
One of the best ways to turn your drive time into strive time, is by using Audible.com Audible is seriously one of the best way to catch up on the books that you don’t have time to read, and to put your personal growth on auto-pilot.
Bluehost: Bluehost.com
One of the best ways to get your unique message out to the world is to create your very own blog or media platform. There are free hosted options available, but you lose creative control when you go that route. To own your own platform, use bluehost.
Featured Resources:
Book: Rise
Daniel’s Best-selling book.
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If you gained something from the show, please leave an honest review on iTunes, or Stitcher.
Thanks again to Daniel for sharing his energy, inspiration, and insights for rising to our potential.
To learn more about Daniel, visit his website at dreambigdaniel.com, or his Facebook page.
Till next time,
Keep to it…STRIVE
In this episode, Digital Nomad and New Media Maverick, Dan Western, shares valuable insights for anyone who has ever wanted to become a digital nomad.
Gorilla Warfare: Tips + Tactics For Those Aspiring to Become a Digital Nomad
Have you ever wanted to know how to become a digital nomad? Or what starting a successful online media brand typically looks like? If so, then this episode is for you, as Dan Western, the founder of WealthyGorilla.com, gives us some great behind-the-scenes insights on what it takes to start and run an online media company.
If you’ve yet to learn of Dan, he is the mastermind behind the the massive self-development site, Wealthy Gorilla; an online media brand that he created to help motivate and inspire others to improve their own lives, and live life on their own terms back in 2014.
Since launching his platform, he has seen it grow to reach over 7 million viewers, across 200 different countries, with his recent average monthly visitors nearing a million (a HUGE accomplishment).
- How Dan’s Digital Nomad Journey Started
- Behind The Scenes Insights on How Long Internet Success Can Take
- Tips and Tactics for Aspiring Digital Nomads and Internet Entrepreneurs
- Content Creation Productivity Strategies
Mount Crushmore:
Dan’s Mount CRushmore of inspiration are the people who have inspired him to strive to pursue his greatness. In short, the inspirational people who continue to motivate him to want to crush life more!
His Father
Must-Read Book:
The book that has had the biggest impact on Dan, which he would recommend others read to significantly improve their life.
Audible: Audible.com
One of the best ways to turn your drive time into strive time, is by using Audible.com Audible is seriously one of the best way to catch up on the books that you don’t have time to read, and to put your personal growth on auto-pilot.
Bluehost: Bluehost.com
One of the best ways to get your unique message out to the world is to create your very own blog or media platform. There are free hosted options available, but you lose creative control when you go that route. To own your own platform, use bluehost.
Featured Resource:
Blog Setup: Launch
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Please leave an honest review on iTunes, or Stitcher. Your ratings and reviews will really help and I read each one.
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Huge thanks again to Dan Western, for sharing his story of how he became a digital nomad, and for sharing some of his strategies for finding success as an online entrepreneur.
To learn more about Dan, visit his website at WealthyGorilla.com, or his Facebook page.
Till next time,
Keep to it…STRIVE
Welcome back to the Greatness Project. In this episode, best-selling author, highly sought-after speaker, and leader, Bob Burg, shares his Greatness.
Bob also reveals why it pays to be a go-giver, and how by being one has helped him achieve some of his biggest successes throughout his career.
Welcome back to the Greatness Project. In this episode, best-selling author, highly sought-after speaker, and leader, Bob Burg, shares his Greatness on the art of go-giving.
The Go-Giver
Bob Burg, is a sought-after speaker at company leadership and sales conferences sharing the platform with everyone from today’s business leaders and broadcast personalities to even a former U.S. President.
Bob is the author of a number of books on sales, marketing and influence, with total book sales of well over a million copies. His book, The Go-Giver, coauthored with John David Mann has sold over half a million copies and it has been translated into 21 languages. It has been released in a new, expanded edition, with a foreword by Huffington Post founder and publisher, Arianna Huffington.
Bob is an advocate, supporter and defender of the Free Enterprise system, believing that the amount of money one makes is directly proportional to how many people they serve. He is also an unapologetic animal fanatic, and is a past member of the Board of Directors of Furry Friends Adoption, Clinic & Ranch in his town of Jupiter, Florida.
In this episode, Bob reveals how he acquired the ‘Go-Giver‘ philosophy; detailing the career and life challenges that played the biggest role in helping him crystallize the go-giver approach for business and life.
Bob also reveals why it pays to be a go-giver, and how being one has helped him achieve some of his biggest successes throughout his career. So, if you want to learn how to be a Go-Giver yourself, you’ll want to make sure you give this podcast a listen.
You’ll Also Learn:
- The 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success
- Why Giving Comes Before Getting
- Why Your Chances In Business Look Good if You Are an Introvert
- Why Influencers Need to Understand the Power of Pull vs. Push
Mount Crushmore:
Bob’s Mount CRushmore of inspiration are the people who have inspired him to strive to pursue his greatness. In short, the inspirational people who continue to motivate him to want to crush life more!
The book that has had the biggest impact on Bob, and the one he would recommend others read to significantly improve their life.
The Secret of Selling Anything
Audible: Audible.com
One of the best ways to turn your drive time into strive time, is by using Audible.com Audible is seriously one of the best way to catch up on the books that you don’t have time to read, and to put your personal growth on auto-pilot.
Bluehost: Bluehost.com
One of the best ways to get your unique message out to the world is to create your very own blog or media platform. There are free hosted options available, but you lose creative control when you go that route. To own your own platform, use bluehost.
To Share Your Thoughts:
Leave a note in the comment section below.
To Help Out The Show:
Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest by using the share buttons at the bottom of the page.
Please leave an honest review on iTunes, or Stitcher. Your ratings and reviews will really help and I read each one.
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Massive thanks again to Bob Burg, for sharing his highly effective success insights, and the much needed reminder that we can all use, that is pays to be a go giver.
You can learn more about Bob and his phenomenal book, ‘The Go-Giver’ via thegogiver.com.
Thanks for tuning in friends!
Till next time,
Keep to it…STRIVE
Welcome back to the Greatness Project. In episode 37 I chat with entrepreneur, author, and reinvention expert, Steve Olsher.
Steve Olsher has created several multi-million-dollar companies from scratch, co-starred in an award-winning film ‘The Keeper of the Keys’ and is the author of the New York Times bestselling book ‘What Is Your WHAT?’, which is a book to help people discover the ONE amazing thing that they were born to do. Steve is also the founder of the Reinvention Workshop, and the host of the popular podcast, Reinvention Radio.
In this episode, Steve provides some simple ways that we can begin to identify and create a plan of action for discovering the ONE thing we were born to do.
We also chat about some of the obstacles (One of them being a $7,000,000 obstacle) Steve had to overcome, and how obstacles in general can be leveraged and used as the wake-up call we all need to begin living a life truly aligned with who we are.
You’ll Also Learn
- Some New Perspectives That Can Help You Reinvent Yourself
- Why You Can Handle Any Obstacle That Comes Your Way
- A Handful of Refreshingly New Perspectives That Can Help You on Your Journey of Self-Discovery
- Why You Have More to Offer The World Than You Think You Do
Mount Crushmore:
Steve’s Mount Rushmore of inspiration, which are the people who have inspired him to strive to pursue his greatness. In short, the inspirational people who make him want to crush life more!
Steve’s Grandfather
Steve’s Wife and Kids
The book that has had the biggest impact on Steve, and the one he would recommend others read to significantly improve their life.
Kane and Able by Jeffery Archer
Audible: Audible.com
One of the best ways to turn your drive time into strive time, is by using Audible.com Audible is seriously one of the best way to catch up on the books that you don’t have time to read, and to put your personal growth on auto-pilot.
Bluehost: Bluehost.com
One of the best ways to get your unique message out to the world, during your reinvention, is to create your very own blog or media platform. There are free hosted options available, but you lose creative control when you go that route. To own your own platform, use bluehost.
To Share Your Thoughts:
Leave a note in the comment section below.
To Help Out The Show:
Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest by using the share buttons at the bottom of the page.
Please leave an honest review on iTunes, or Stitcher. Your ratings and reviews will really help and I read each one.
Subscribe on iTunes or Listen on Stitcher.
Massive thanks again to Steve Olsher, for sharing his inspiring Strive Story™, and all his success and reinvention insights on how each of us can learn how to discover more of who we truly are and what we should be doing with our lives.
To learn more about Steve and his best selling book, visit the following site:
Till next time, keep to it… Strive!
In episode 35, ex-national body building champ, Kris J. Simpson shares his story of failure, struggle, and adversity, and his eventual and successful comeback.
If you are interested in learning of new ways to transform your trials into triumphs, you won’t want to miss this episode.
Welcome to episode 35. In this episode, ex-national body building champ, Kris J. Simpson shares his story of failure, struggle, and adversity, and his eventual and successful comeback.
Kris J. Simpson is a Life Coach, Seminar Leader, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Author of the Amazon #1 Best-Seller ‘The All-Inclusive Diet’.
In this episode, Kris shares how he managed to overcome three personal breakdowns, a severe addiction problem, and a marriage that unexpectedly fell apart, to ultimately rise to make his successful comeback. A comeback that has since allowed him to more effectively live his legacy of contributing to others in a meaningful way.
Kris also provides many life improvement insights and exercises that we can use to better equip ourselves to handle some of the tougher challenges that life may throw our way. If you are interested in learning of new ways to transform your life, you won’t want to miss this episode.
- How to Use Time, Space, Energy, and Matter to Overcome Your Biggest Challenges
- How to use F.E.A.R to Maximize Your Energy
- How to Transform Your Trials into Triumphs
- Why More Sleep May Be What You Need to Optimize Your Performance
- The 3 B’s of Being Present
Mount Crushmore:
Kris’s Mount CRushmore of inspiration are the people who have inspired him to strive to pursue his greatness. In short, the inspirational people who motivate him to want to crush life more!
The book that has had the biggest impact on Kris, and the one he would recommend others read to significantly improve their life.
Additional Resources Mentioned:
Audible: Audible.com
One of the best ways to turn your drive time into strive time, is by using Audible.com Audible is seriously one of the best way to catch up on the books that you don’t have time to read, and to put your personal growth on auto-pilot.
Bluehost: Bluehost.com
One of the best ways to make your successful comeback, is to get your unique message out to the world. And to do that, you need to create your very own blog or media platform. There are free hosted options available, but you lose creative control when you go that route. To own your own platform, use bluehost.
To Share Your Thoughts:
Leave a note in the comment section below.
To Help Out The Show:
Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest by using the share buttons at the bottom of the page.
Please leave an honest review on iTunes, or Stitcher. Your ratings and reviews will really help and I read each one.
Subscribe on iTunes or Listen on Stitcher.
Massive thanks again to Kris J. Simpson, for sharing his inspiring Strive Story™, and all the different life improvement tips he’s acquired through all the difficult challenges he’s had to overcome in his life.
You can learn more about Kris via his website at KrisJSimpson.com, and to gain access to his free book, follow the instructions below:
Gift: email Kris at Kris@KrisJSimpson.com for a free copy of his best-selling book, ‘The All-Inclusive Diet’. Be sure to mention that you’d heard the show, and that you’d like your free downloadable book.
Thanks for tuning in friends!
Till next time,
Sam Horn shares her best practices for how you can create a one-of-a-kind brand and biz that scales your income and impact – for good.
During the interview, Sam also shares a handful insights related to how she has been able to be so productive, i.e. authoring 8 books while running her own agency.
Welcome to episode 33 of the Greatness Project. In this episode, we interview intrigue expert, Sam Horn.
Sam Horn states that if we want to be GREAT – we need to take responsibility for CREATING – NOT WAITING – for the work we love. Sam has an impressive client list that includes organizations such as Boeing, Capital One, National Geographic and Intel and individuals such as Terry Jones, founder of Travelocity and the Presidents of the National Speakers Association, International Coaching Federation and Association for Association Executives, and in this episode, she shares her best practices for how you can create a one-of-a-kind brand and business that scales your income and impact – for good.
During the interview, Sam also shares a handful insights related to how she has been able to be so productive, i.e. authoring 8 books while running her own agency.
- Why You Need to Be Intriguing
- How to Tell When You’ve Captured an Audience’s Attention
- The One Word You Can Use to Draw in Your Audience
- The 5 More Rule as a Productivity Hack
- A Fresh Perspective on the Word Concentration
Mount CrushMore:
Sam’s Mount CRushmore of inspiration, are the people who inspire her to strive to pursue more of her greatness. In short, the inspirational people who make her want to crush life more! See her Mount Crushmore list below:
Her Two Sons
The book that has inspired Sam the most, and that she would most highly recommend to others to read to improve their lives, and get them on the path to pursuing their greatness.
(Additional Resources Mentioned)
Below are some of the books that Sam mentioned during our interview.
Audible: Audible.com
One of the best ways to turn your drive time into strive time, is by using Audible.com Audible is seriously one of the best way to catch up on the books that you don’t have time to read, and to put your personal growth on auto-pilot.
Bluehost: Bluehost.com
Get your intriguing message out to the world and create your very own blog or media platform. There are free hosted options available, but you lose creative control when you go that route. To own your own platform, use bluehost.
Thanks For Listening!
To Share Your Thoughts:
Leave a note in the comment section below.
To Help Out The Show:
Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest by using the share buttons at the bottom of the page.
Please leave an honest review on iTunes, or Stitcher. Your ratings and reviews will really help and I read each one.
Subscribe on iTunes or Listen on Stitcher.
Massive thanks again to Sam Horn, for sharing so many of her strategic communication insights to help us learn how to create intrigue and find more success in our lives.
You can learn more about Sam by visiting her Instagram page, or you can go directly to her website at Samhorn.com. Also, if she intrigued you with her very popular LinkedIn post that she mentioned towards the end of the show, you can read it here:
Why to Never Give an Elevator Speech
Till next time, keep to it friends… STRIVE!
Welcome back to episode 32 of the Greatness Project. In this episode, I chat with uber-successful podcaster John Lee Dumas.
John shares his journey, the obstacles he had to overcome before his success came, and a handful of other ‘value bombs’ that will get you fired up!
Welcome back to episode 32 of the Greatness Project. In this episode, I chat with uber-successful podcaster John Lee Dumas who’s success is on fire.
John Lee Dumas, is one of the top podcasters rocking the mic, with his award-winning podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire. John was an Officer in the U.S. Army for 4 years, and he spent 13 months stationed in Iraq. Once he got out of the army, he struggled to find his mission in life. He tried law school before dropping out…. he then spent some time in corporate finance, and when that didn’t work, he moved on to selling commercial real estate.
While John was on the daily grind, he would take advantage of his commute while listening to podcasts. It was during those commutes that he would grow frustrated because there weren’t any podcasters releasing daily episodes. His favorite types of podcasts, were shows that interviewed entrepreneurs.
Shortly after, John realized that an opportunity existed to provide a podcast that aired 7 days a week. So, John decided to seize his moment and launched his podcast back in 2012. His intent was to provide listeners with quality interviews of entrepreneurs that people could benefit from every single day.
John has since gone on to create one of the most popular and well-known podcasts to-date, especially in the entrepreneurship and business world. John is also the author of multiple books, courses, and resources that are designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs… and it is through those resources that John has been able to build a highly leveraged business that earns him around a quarter million a month.
John and I chat about his journey, some of the obstacles he had to overcome before his success came, and a handful of other ‘value bombs’ that will get you fired up!
- The Importance of Mentors
- How John Overcame His Doubts
- The Value of Action
- How to Accelerate Your Success
- Why You Must Surround Yourself With The Right People
- The #1 Habit That Will Help You Set Yourself Up For Success
Mount Crushmore:
John’s current Mount Rushmore of inspiration, which are the people who have inspired him to strive to pursue his greatness. In short, the inspirational people who make him want to crush life more!
The most inspirational and motivational books John recommends that can help others significantly improve their life.
How to Win Friends and Influence People
To Share Your Thoughts:
Leave a note in the comment section below.
To Help Out The Show:
Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest by using the share buttons at the bottom of the page.
Please leave an honest review on iTunes, or Stitcher. Your ratings and reviews will really help and I read each one.
Subscribe on iTunes or Listen on Stitcher.
Massive thanks again to JLD, for sharing his inspiring Strive Story™, and success insights on how each of us can take action to become the successes we aspire to be.
To learn more about John, his awesome entrepreneurship podcast, and all his free resources for aspiring entrepreneurs just go to eofire.com.
Till next time, keep to it… Strive!